New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers.
They cited a study presented earlier this year of 249 pairs of parents and their children in which twice as many children as parents wanted rules on what parents could share.
It is reported that many Chinese babies are taking too much fish oil, twice as much as they physically need.
According to most calculations, race walkers moving at a pace of six miles per hour would burn about 800 calories per hour, which is approximately twice as many as they would burn walking, although fewer than running, which would probably burn about 1,000 or more calories per hour.
Their 1993 paper reported that 9.1% of the economists gave no money at all — more than twice as many holdouts as in any other field.
If a search engine wants to seem twice as good as a competitor, they need only trot out a bar chart showing they have twice as many documents as their competitor.
But it did not because its dealers-gm has more than twice as many as it really needs-are protected by powerful state-franchise laws.
As so often, these findings raise as many questions as they answer. For one thing, SIDS is more than twice as common in boys as it is in girls.
The Pentagon, in Arlington, Virginia, has twice as many bathrooms as is necessary.
GLM's figure gives English twice as many words as Mandarin Chinese, the world's second most abundant language.
"With all due respect, I have won twice as many states as Senator Clinton," said Obama.
This is odd given that Mexico has the world's fifth-highest cinema attendance. With 4,500 screens, it has twice as many as Brazil, a country nearly double its size.
This is odd given that Mexico has the world's fifth-highest cinema attendance. With 4, 500 screens, it has twice as many as Brazil, a country nearly double its size.
When she gave memory tests to 149 women, those with low iron levels missed twice as many questions as those with sufficient amounts.
In Africa, more than 750, 000 women of childbearing age (15 to 49 years) died in 2008-well over twice as many as in 1990.
Intel's position seems safe as long as Moore's Law holds (ie, as long as it can keep cramming twice as many transistors on a chip every 18 months or so).
It has many more factories than Chrysler, nearly four times as many employees and twice as many dealers.
Tracking twice as many targets as the radar it replaces, the AESA features active electronic beam steering, which allows the radar beam to be repositioned nearly instantaneously.
The Japanese go to the doctor three times as often as Americans, have more than twice as many MRI scans, use more drugs, and spend more days in the hospital.
Belgians as a whole consume twice as many as their Dutch neighbours.
This means that a person eating a Big Mac and fries would consume almost twice as many calories as someone eating the same weight of pasta and salad.
Looking into the nationality, Japanese topped the list of "old friends", up to 111, which is nearly twice as many as Americans in the second.
For example, if you want your house to look twice as bright as others in the neighborhood, it doesn't twice as many lights; you'll need to buy four times as many lights.
Moreover the birds frequently varied their attitudes to child care between clutches, overall nurturing twice as many as they abandoned, so most of the eggs did hatch live chicks.
They also have 38% of the seats in parliament, twice as many as the nearest rival.
In contrast, in 1970, almost twice as many men as women in this group, 30-44, had college degrees.
相比较1970年,30 -44岁年龄段,男人拥有大学学历的数量几乎是女性的两倍。
Almost twice as many medical interns as expected now take their first fully licensed job in the north of Norway.
Cantonese has 59 vowel sounds, twice as many as Mandarin's 23.
When the team looked at the newborn mice, they counted twice as many brown mice as they expected.
With operations in 30-odd countries, roughly twice as many as Tesco, Carrefour may simply have overreached.