Like the double-headed eagle adopted by European emperors since Byzantine times, the EU now tries to act as one body with two heads.
If there is so much as one body moving at its free will, the laws of Kepler and of Newton are annulled, and every conception of the movement of the heavenly bodies is destroyed.
One is to provide warmth, but as humans have worn clothes for many years, body hair has significantly reduced.
And they continued to exhibit positive body-image attitudes as long as three years after completing the program, which consists of four one-hour sessions.
He picked it up gingerly, holding it away from his body as one might inspect a suspicious package.
Think of yourself as an engine in need of a body. You can find one that fits by investigating people with a background and style similar to yours.
I myself believe strongly in personal responsibility as I know in my area of expertise, no one is going to eat or move your body for you.
Keeping the mind and body strong and healthy is an important aspect of life, as it affects the way one works, thinks, and even sleeping.
As it turned out, Mr. Musarella, a retired police officer, was one of the emergency medical technicians who responded to the apartment when Ms. Wimmer's parents discovered her body and dialed 911.
One-quarter of 120 skeletons displayed head and body injuries inflicted at the time of death, as indicated by a lack of healed bone and other clues.
As an example, one of the best shots I have ever taken was of a body of still water at dusk.
On one side of the equation are the calories we consume. Onthe other side are the calories we burn — through physical activity aswell as whatever is needed just to keep the body in good working order.
His eyes looked straight through me as he said: "I found one body and took it home and we buried it."
Researchers warmed up one group of mice to body temperatures of about 103 degrees Fahrenheit. They left another group at normal core temperature-about the same as ours.
研究人员将一组老鼠的体温升高到103华氏度,另外一组保持正常体温- - -大约是人体温度。
Use Positive Language (Body and Verbal) – You can use positive language skills to exhibit yourself as a helpful, constructive person rather than a destructive, disinterested one.
Of course the water is very cold, but after a few seconds it seems to coat the body in a kind of warm silvery skin, as if one had acquired the scales of a merman.
But instead of settling on just one arm as the real thing, the brain accepts both right hands as part of the body, causing the subjects to experience the sensation of having a third arm.
Now, let us place the body under cover, that each one of us may defend this old man dead as he would his father living, and may his presence in our midst render the barricade impregnable!
If navigation was not from one outer page to the next, you would need to synchronize the body content with the proper left navigation frame as users browse the site.
That's jargon, but the idea is a simple and useful one: it's ok to stare at someone else's body (and even long for it) as long as you don't ever forget that you're looking at a person.
That makes sense, my dog uses her tail to communicate too and it's certainly true that we humans have various body parts evolved for one purpose and used as communication tools as well.
Because their two sets of wings effectively flap as one, that in theory gives them little control over the aerodynamic forces on their body.
Since the solid wood design didn’t resonate as much as hollow body guitars, you could crank one up nice and loud without it feeding back.
When the tag is processed, the container will take its name and attributes, as well as any content that may exist in the body of the tag, and pass it to one or more class files for handling.
While most people cite one number as their current body weight, it may be more realistic to cite a range, since the number does fluctuate daily.
A ship bearing aid including food, water, medical supplies as well as body bags arrived Thursday at Sikakap, on North Pagai island, one of the two worst-hit islands in the Mentawai group.
It's an object, though a complex one, which consists of thousands of other objects such as the engine, wheels, steering, seats, body, and thousands of different parts and machinery.
In my case, the decision was made one morning, out of the blue, as I looked into an open body.
In my case, the decision was made one morning, out of the blue, as I looked into an open body.