As the Earth rotates to eclipse the sun, sunset rises up from the ground.
As the earth rotates, its side that is lighted by the sun is day time, while its side that is in darkness is night time.
Captured using a long exposure lens the trails are created as the Earth rotates giving the impression of the stars moving across the sky.
The name comes from the fact that as the Earth rotates, the cutting planet seems to "cut" into the ascendant rather than being drawn passively through it as is the other rim planet.
The sun's emissions of UV light are not uniform, so as it rotates UV-bright regions move in and out of view of Earth.
The so-called spaceship watch has a rendition of Earth as seen from space which rotates every sixty seconds.
But that's not much consolation: the planet rotates so agonizingly slowly that days on Mercury last more than 59 times as long as they do on Earth.
Venus rotates very slowly with the result that its cycle of rotation reaches as long as 243 days of the Earth.
Venus rotates very slowly with the result that its cycle of rotation reaches as long as 243 days of the Earth.