To establish language as the main part of literary works is a general theoretical question.
Bar permanent magnet as the main part of the polarized magnetic system is widely used in polarized relay.
In this kind of space mixed with reality and design, we mankind as the main part fell into a condition of unreal.
Other directly responsible personnel are those who actively and directly put the crime in practice and function as the main part.
It is suggested that we should consider unit as the main part of the crime of fraud in loan and add the crime of false statement.
The results showed that the catalyst, with calcium phosphate as the main part, is active and selective in the splitting of acetal.
The whole process of formulation, application and promotion of Great Wall brand HHV46 is introduced as the main part of this paper.
Internal auditing and audit committee, as the main part of the company's internal supervision, have the blur relations and the low efficiency.
As the main part and transmission medium of AD, the impediment of cross-cultural transmission is mainly embodied in the difference between nations.
At the same time, the "real estate tax" as the main part of the real estate tax ", have a certain effect on the entire real estate market regulation."
The six poems have respective forms of sing and dancing , beginning with prelude and ending with finale with the four middle . stanzas as the main part.
The oral form of Putonghua (Chinese common speech) refers to discourse form which is used for expression and understanding with oral style as the main part.
Therefore, the theories and practice of regarding third sector as the main part of the social relief to support the resources are taken tremendous attention.
However, as the main part of the civil procedure law, the system of litigation expense hasn't been valued for quite a long time by the jurisprudential circle.
As the main part of international reserve, foreign exchange reserve is a significant macroeconomic variable reflecting one country's economic and financial power.
Small cities and towns as the main part of the future urbanization, there are many problems existing in small cities and towns 'urban commercial network construction.
Chapter three discusses phase and time position. As the main part in the thesis, it defines phase and time position, explains the important factors contacted with them.
Gamelan is Indonesia's traditional folk music, its striking feature is using percussion instrument as the main part, orchestral musical instrument just being in additional position.
The real unilateral impediment to such talks, Mr Abbas insisted, was Israel’s continuing settlement-building on the West Bank, which Palestinians view as the main part of their future state.
As the main part of the photoelectric tracking equipment, the tracking precision of the photoelectric tracking control system is a primary index measuring photoelectric tracking equipments.
So as the main part of music course, the problem how to embody the idea "moving and cultivating with beauty in the instruction process", worth exploring and discussing by our music educators.
As for conflict law, as the main part of the international private law, its purpose is to deal with the applicable law on different relations and make a choice between domestic and foreign law.
Psychiatrists in the Senegalese capital's main hospital see it as an essential part of the healing process.
As part of minor cleanup, remove the Edit button from the main view JSP, since we will go to Edit mode using the portal framework instead.
作为较小的清除的一部分,请删除主要视图JS p中的编辑按钮,因为我们将改用门户框架来进入编辑方式。
The projects that create the JAR files with the aspect runtime code in them are not typically deployed as part of the overall solution; only the JAR files are harvested for the main package.
使用方面运行时代码创建JAR文件的项目打包一般都会作为一个完整的解决方案的部分被部署;对于主要的包来说,只有 JAR 文件被获取。
The projects that create the JAR files with the aspect runtime code in them are not typically deployed as part of the overall solution; only the JAR files are harvested for the main package.
使用方面运行时代码创建JAR文件的项目打包一般都会作为一个完整的解决方案的部分被部署;对于主要的包来说,只有 JAR 文件被获取。