According to our country's Law of Criminal Procedure, the guilty suspicion person and the defendants have the obligation of "stating as things really are" to investigation apparatus.
If we are well trained, the underwater part of things is not really as harsh as you might think.
As you can imagine, things are really different from the way they are at home.
In the words of one ex-chancellor, the office brings the burden of "having to see things as they really are".
Angela Druckman wrote that working on a team that relentlessly inspects and ADAPTS gives one the ability to see things as they really are and then make plans for the future based on this truth.
But, if we are well trained, the underwater part of things is not really as harsh as you might think.
But there is such a thing as truth and the pursuit of truth: trying to figure out what has really happened, trying to figure out how things really are.
Obviously as a young player there are games where things don't really go your way.
None of us are so mad as to suppose that all books are really good things. Mein Kampf was a book.
There are probably few things to do voluntarily that is as scary, but it'll be really cool and it's definitely something you can boast of the event.
When things are changing at home, it can really help to keep some things, such as school activities and friends, the same.
You're being given an incredible unique perspective that allows you to see things as they really are... I'd pay close attention to insights gained at this time.
I really want to do something for you, but I found that sometimes things are not as I think so smoothly.
'There's not a lot you can say when things are going really well:' I want to keep things as they are, "notes Tom Brinthaupt, professor of psychology at Middle Tennessee State University."
中田纳西州立大学(Middle TennesseeState University)心理学教授汤姆·布林斯·沃特(TomBrinthaupt)说:“当事情进展很顺利的时候,你也没什么可说的,最多就是‘我想保持现状’。”
What's more, the things that really need to change in finance are as dry as they come: it is far easier to channel public outrage about pay than it is about Tier-1 capital ratios.
Yet one of the most thoughtful comments came from Todd McKinney who noted that "most things today aren't really in the cloud so much as they are a copy on a single company's server."
ToddMcKinney考虑得很周全。 他在评论里写道:"绝大多数数据现在还不能算是储存在云里,因为它们只是在某单个公司的服务器里而已。"
WOW! Really puts things in perspective, its not all about us, as we are just a tiny part of the vast universe.
Those who develop the teachings of the Buddha, the Awakened One, develop the wisdom which sees things as they really are (before the mind interferes); he truly knows the world.
If things are really as bad as that, how come we aren't hearing about executives jumping out of Windows?
No great artist ever see things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist.
You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.
Neil: It means she's been very practical and seen things as they really are.
Art is small beer. The really serious things in life are earning one's living so as not to be a parasite, and loving one's neighbour.
It's really easy to put blame on things that are external to you, as it avoids personal responsibility and allows you to refuse the possibility that you may have things that can be changed.
It not only teaches us that our first duty is to understand things as they really are, but gives us the courage necessary to make the attempt.
Those are all nice things, but the primary reason I came up with then is still as true today-i really wanted to help people make their lives better.
Those are all nice things, but the primary reason I came up with then is still as true today-i really wanted to help people make their lives better.