As we agreed, the next morning to Wild Goose, the man promised to come and meet us early.
It was anguishing for us, because as a doctor I would like to be able to help them in any way I can. But it was not the protocol we agreed to.
As part of this, we agreed to put in place a stronger framework of standards for supervision and regulation of the financial system.
We were pleased that ASDI agreed to mockups and prototypes as useful parts of the analysis stage.
At last, we agreed to try both, as soon as the right weather came; and then we kissed each other and were friends.
Nick Rau, energy campaigner at Friends of the Earth, agreed. 'We could easily supply our electricity demand from offshore, even with other demands on sea such as shipping, fishing and defence radar.
John Podesta, who loved jazz as much as I did, agreed with me that we had never heard a finer live performance.
Amazingly, we were then told we could leave, provided we agreed to hire the chief and his brother as guides.
'We know that new parents can often get caught-up in a new baby shopping frenzy, as a third agreed that they spent more than they needed, buying things they didn't even use.
Now, as regards payment, we have agreed to use dollars, am I right?
We agreed on the importance of resuming the six-party talks as soon as possible.
I agreed with myself that I would get fit as soon as things calmed down at work. We had the conversation in 1982 and I'm no further forward.
As a result of the difficult consultations that involved all parties, the Conference has a final document now. We agreed to the adoption of the document.
As agreed in your email if the quality is not correct you will return our payment to us and we will return the goods.
And as a matter of fact they agreed on that and we are waiting on the issue with the Civil Aviation authority.
We have agreed to develop the TPP as a living agreement.
As agreed, we are not enclosing our draft at 30 days for acceptance by your bankers.
They just devote their time and their energies to their business as we planned for and agreed to.
And while it's not easy in our culture, where we tend to "live to work rather than work to live," as the saying goes, everyone I spoke to agreed we could try to change that perspective.
As agreed, we are enclosing our draft at 30 days for acceptance by your bank.
As agreed, we are enclosing our draft at 30 days for acceptance by your bank.