The Gutenberg revolution, as we now know it, took a long time; its effects are still being debated.
A lot of risk wasn't dispersed, as we now know. It ended up in Banks like Citigroup and UBS.
And so (as we now know well) top executives can never be paid enough for them to be satisfied.
As we now know, Clinton's remarks in Hanoi in July 2010 marked a watershed in two important aspects.
As we now know, these opportunities come from system-wide weaknesses in the provision of health care.
In terms of our internal process, though, I believe the logo - as we now know it - came out of a second round of design explorations.
Continents are so big, obviously they don't move. But, actually, as we now know, they did move. They moved apart from one another.
But as we now know, refined white flour contains very little of the natural minerals and vitamins that bread made using the whole wheatgerm does.
The problem, as we now know, is that there is a significant chance of them falling victim to events more extreme than those they were designed to withstand.
In the beginning, the planet upon which we live was (as far as we now know) a large ball of flaming matter, a tiny cloud of smoke in the endless ocean of space.
As we now know, these widely dispersed tribes of Native Americans differed greatly from one to another in language, government, social organization, customs, housing, and methods of survival.
Now, as you know, when you apply for a post with our company, we need to find out a few things about both your academic background and recent work experience.
Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that it's OK to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure.
Now as we know which lists and views are accessed frequently we can focus on those that show signs of performance degradation.
"As we all know, social networking has few boundaries, and now AMBER Alerts will benefit from that reach," said Laurie Robinson, the National AMBER Coordinator for the Department of Justice.
OK, so, now that we know the position of the point as a function of time, we can try to study how it varies in particular things like the speed and acceleration.
As we make strides in early identification, it's reassuring to know that we also now have effective interventions that are appropriate for children at risk for ASD as young as 12 months of age.
Now, I'd like to stress information technology because we are living in a time of rapid advance, as you know — I don't have to tell you this.
Forces now swirling in a confluence threaten to alter the charitable world as we know it.
Now in music as you probably know — we've already talked a little bit about this — we have the importance of the beat.
So we already know that. So now we can write CpdT or differential dH as Cp dT plus dH/dp, pdp constant temperature, dp.
Windows 7 is, as we know very well by now, a poor choice for a tablet operating system, one which hurts the Libretto's practical use as a tablet.
Of course we know differently than that now, but they always present it as, Sarah was barren.
To those I would say, of course, we will learn more as we go along, but there is already strong evidence on what works and what does not. We know enough for implementation now.
As we know by now, the galaxy is teeming in worlds to exploit, and many in our cosmic neighborhood will contain similar materials to Earth.
However, we all know that every now and then, something atypical happens, such as an unexpected power failure or system lock-up.
Now, if that was all we had to say about disgust, it wouldn't affect morality very much but we know that people can be seen as disgusting.
We now know that, as ice sheets collapsed, sea levels rose 20 metres - enough to drown much of eastern England - in less than 400 years.
Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that its ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure.
Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that its ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure.