Avoid using pans with a shiny, reflective base as the heat will be reflected back.
Using this as a base, and add the Agile practices that are compatible with your organization and project culture.
By choosing Sarah Palin as his running-mate he made a cynical tryst with a party base that he has never much liked and that has never much liked him.
When building a service-oriented solution for business process automation, you have to integrate with the information processing technologies that form the base for information as a service.
Thus, by an accident of geography, the CIA’s choice for its much-anticipated first meeting with the Jordanian agent became the agency base known as Khost.
Europeans inherited the idea of the corporation from Roman law. Using it as a base, they also experimented with ever more complicated partnerships.
If you prefer thicker soups, choose vegetable purees made with water or skim milk as a base - their smooth, creamy texture feels indulgent, and the pureed veggies provide a nutritional bonus.
To handle this, you implement customers as an abstract base class with many different subclasses (for example, financial, manufacturing, and so on).
As with topic domains, a shell DTD assembles the base map module with the entities file and definition module for the how-to domain.
与主题领域相同,“how - to”领域也使用外壳DTD把基本的映射模块和实体文件、定义模块组装在一起。
Geronimo is a loose federation of components called GBeans, which are registered with the base kernel as they are deployed, and define the capabilities of the application server.
But now India is reining in cooperation with China as it seeks to build up its own manufacturing base to service power plants.
Searching for the base form returns all inflections, including terms with possessive s, as shown in Listing 9.
搜索基本形式会返回所有的变形词,包括所有格s 的词汇,如清单9 所示。
You'll also get the chance to interact with field biologists who use the farm, reachable only by plane, as a base camp for their journeys deeper into the Pantanal.
Using it as a base, they also experimented with ever more complicated partnerships.
Next, as you segment your customer base into groups with similar characteristics you may find that some of the groups that presently account for a small percentage of your sales show potential.
Planning a vacation with your own home as "home base" can relieve a lot of stress and be a little easier on the bank account.
A town might have a lot of hotspots providing fast, short-range access, along with a larger base station covering the entire area with a slower connection as fallback.
Similarly, as was the case with Japan, monetary-base growth has exploded in the U.S. over the past year courtesy of the Fed, while bank lending is d eclining.
Chao smartly wants to expand his user base, much as social networking behemoth Tencent did for years with its instant messaging service before earning a dime of profit.
For applicants with no work experience, the base salary for a sales job is as little as 1, 000 yuan to 1.500 yuan (around $146 to $234) a month.
While the visible tip may change-as an iceberg will melt with sun and rain-the base does not change very much over time.
Aviator sunglasses are a universal style and work with all face shapes, especially on gals with high cheek bones, as the curves at the base of the frames enhances sculpted features.
As application serving demands increase, a few limitations with the base application server environment emerge.
China encourages the import of industrial commodities, such as oil, base metals and even quality fabrics and industrial machinery-provided goods made with them are sent abroad.
It is said you get a better night's sleep from a mattress and divan (fabric-covered) base. Buy them together as they work in partnership with one another.
As the code base grows, these tests allow developers to integrate changes with confidence.
Generally speaking, high Protein flour is used as a base with medium and low protein floul mixed in appropriate amounts.
Generally speaking, high Protein flour is used as a base with medium and low protein floul mixed in appropriate amounts.