As you approach it would then say something like "these oranges are the best from Spain, would you like to try them?" that sort of thing.
The conservatives who say, "Let us not move so fast," and extremists who say, "Let us go out and whip the world," would tell you that they are as far apart as the poles.
You could say that we could do the same thing, but it sure as heck would take us a lot longer.
As the traders came out on top in recent years, TED recalled, “they would say, ‘You guys are the real parasites, going to expensive lunches and doing deals on the back of our trading operations.’
If you wrote a method that needed an instance of, say, a Sales class as an argument, you would be forced to specify that the input parameter was of type Object.
During particularly torturous workouts, my martial arts instructor would say to us: "Remember, you're paying me for this, so you might as well enjoy it."
In fact, I would go so far as to say that the authorization scheme is not complete until there is nothing that you can remove or simplify without breaking it.
And then, third, I would say, is the evolving threat model as you implement new types of computing systems.
Even one letter from that time, as plain as can be, would have been invaluable-a godsend, you might say, although Beckett would have disputed the existence of the sender.
When the LORD your God has enlarged your territory as he promised you, and you crave meat and say, "I would like some meat," then you may eat as much of it as you want.
Consequently I would say that ifyou haven't made a pledge to give to some cause, as the Corinthians hadin this case, and if you feel reluctant in your heart to give, thendon't give.
As you say, writing calligraphy would shape an artistic temperament.
I cannot imagine for the life of me , that after all this time and Trust anything untoward would be able to 'sneak in', so I am not really concerned …just, as you say …being vigilant.
And then, as simply as I would say we needed a new rug, I said, "You have a brain tumor."
Dowry Allowathb of Khartoum, Sudan, submitted a comment in Arabic on the topic "If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be?" which came out in English as.
Some would say that the distinction between the two vocations is not as clear as you suggest.
“I would say we’re old-fashioned in that you have to look at America as a whole, ” said Bill Burton, Mr. Obama’s national press secretary.
“我会说我们属于老派 把美国人作为整体看待”奥巴马的新闻发言人BillBurton称.
As a colleague what would you want them to say about the brand, how would you want them to engage with your customers.
We would say carry on as normal as far as you can, and know that at the right time you will be advised as to what action to take.
If you want to make a great drama film with no effects and no slapstick, wait a few years, say, 10 years, as I would often suggest to those who consult me.
The teacher would say: 'Not everybody makes it as a footballer, so what do you want to be?
"You see," a Frenchman explains, "if I were to say to you in France, 'This is my good friend,' that person would not be as close to me as someone about whom I said only, 'This is my friend."
Can we say again that you are not the victims of the circumstances, as you all knew that this lifetime would test you to the limit.
It's only a matter of academic interest to me now, as you might say, but I thought it would he interesting to know.
It's only a matter of academic interest to me now, as you might say, but I thought it would he interesting to know.