The question to ask after England under 21s’ defeat isn’t “Why were England technically poor?”
I would certainly have called to ask after you today, but I propose to return and join my father.
Are you the young man who called every day to ask after me all the time I was ill, and would never leave his name?
My baby three months, today we go to her DPT vaccination, may I ask after inoculation, there is any need for attention?
That is to say, in the evening one must settle down one's parents' bed, and in the morning one must ask after how one's parents are feeling.
So there are two kinds of meaning: a is to ask after buyers want to eat that kind of card, and eat this one back, playing CARDS prescriptive became his first after you played;
Then in terms of what you say, I think it's good to listen well to the erm... to the questions, to be also prepared in advance. And to prepare some questions to ask after the interview.
Then nin terms of what you say, I think it's good to listen well to the... um... to the questions, to be also prepared in advance, and to prepare some questions to ask after the interview.
"I'll feel better after I have a pint of ice cream, a cigarette and a new pair of jeans, " ask yourself, will it really make you feel better?
IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper after it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among other similar tasks.
However, after she told her boss what had happened, to her surprise, the boss didn't ask her to pay back the money.
To determine risk, doctors can ask their patients two simple questions. First, do you flush after drinking a glass of beer?
I frequently met the widowed lady at different social gatherings, and when after dinner, she would ask me to sing that Bhaga.
Don't ever ask me to look after those kids again. I just can't take it!
A question we often ask others and are also frequently asked by others is "What do you normally do after school or work?"
Mrs. Smith always waits patiently for students to ask questions after class.
Don't be afraid to ask the teacher for help after class.
No matter how tired he was after work, he would still ask about their studies.
At 9:00 in the morning, I called my dad to ask whether I could come over after work.
They had no choice but to ask if they could pay the bill after the operation because the patient was close to death.
After you sign up in the app, RunKeeer will ask you why you are exercising.
Ask a teacher or your parents for a list of after school activities and pick 1 or 2 of them that you're the most excited about.
I ask and answer questions in class more often and I take part in many different after-school activities.
Always ask your parents before you do anything for the baby, and they will show you how to help look after your new little brother or sister.
The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happy, "Thank goodness! Your son is saved!" And without waiting for the father's reply he carried on his way running by saying, "If you have any questions, ask the nurse."
Well, what if I ask you what happens after Vancouver?
Well, what if I ask you what happens after Vancouver?
Ask yourself after every failure: what did I learn from this experience? Learn from your failure and keep going.
Ask yourself after every failure: what did I learn from this experience? Learn from your failure and keep going.