Some states ask for more information which can include immunization, schooling and dental records.
In user tests, people always ask for more information and if you give it to them they complain that they're overwhelmed, so it's a delicate balance to strike.
The more blatantly you ask prospects and customers for information, the more hesitant they'll be to continue using your service and become loyal customers.
Other times you might need to ask the user of your program (which you might recall can be another program and not a real human at all) for more or alternate information.
DNS is a distributed service, in that more than one server is capable of responding to a given query, providing it knows who to ask for the information.
Indeed, dialog boxes provide for more natural conversations: You present information, ask for a response, and react accordingly.
Instead, ask more broadly for information that will help you learn about opportunities to gain experience and learn more about the company, its divisions, and how you fit in.
Don't hesitate seek out more information, ask questions, or take a climbing course taught by professionals for full climbing enjoyment.
Please don't ask me about it... I spent many hours trying to understand and also searching on the Internet for more information about subnet directed broadcast but couldn't find much.
Modern production has came to densely knowledge, especially wide infiltrate of information technology and network technology, and new work chance ask labor for more and more education and skills.
These 1-page memos are meant to be no more than 1 page, and are typical of what a high-level decision maker would expect when they ask you for background information or your recommendation.
There is nothing more embarrassing than to ask for information, which has already been provided – it gives the appearance that you have not been paying attention.
当你再重复那些已经说过的问题时,你会很尴尬,这会留下不专心的印象。 所以你要这些信息。
If it is difficult for you to digest the graphs I presented during the presentation, ask our Marketing for more information.
If it is difficult for you to digest the graphs I presented during the presentation, ask our Marketing for more information.