There are two things that writers ask meabout this arrangement: First, does it sell more books, and second, how did youtalk your publisher into going for this mad scheme?
To begin to answer this question you might say even begin to think about it in the right way requires that we stand back from Aristotle's text for a while and ask some fundamental questions about it.
And I finally would just ask that you think about other opportunities that could be provided through this partnership that we are creating for a new beginning.
Because this is one of the most famous passages in the treatise, and it's not one that we actually looked at for Mammon himself, I'm going to ask you to turn to Areopagitica.
This new technology might seem incredibly costly, confusing, and unnecessary, but for the space of this article, we'll ask you to take a deep breath and try to forget all of that.
It means you can ask me to supervise your children for the fortnight you will be in the hospital, and that however inconvenient this might be for me, I shall manage to.
I ask you to be aware of this and to let it go, for this kind of inspiration that is charged with anger takes you away from your center.
And this is an area of great concern for us all and I can only ask the international community to be more and more involved together, acting together to make sure that these conflicts find an end.
When they meant to ask Him for charity, let them, instead, start trying to manufacture charitable feelings for themselves and not notice that this is what they are doing.
If you choose to print this out and distribute this, I ask that you distribute it in its entirety, and that you don't charge for it.
We also found that we needed a mid-iteration checkpoint meeting so we could ask the question, "How much more work have we got to do for this iteration and are we going to do it all?"
我们也发现我们需要在迭代中期进行检验会议,这 样我们可以问这个问题“在这个反复中我们还需要做多少的工作? 我们将全部做完么?”
DeveloperWorks: Can I ask you a wrap-up question by just saying, what are your long-term hopes for the Internet and for the Web and this amazing invention that we're all using now?
In that case, you can take advantage of the item-item calculations and ask the ItemBasedRecommender for the items that are most similar to the current item. Listing 5 demonstrates this in code.
And second, and equally as important, that as a woman, you have to ask your doctor and the doctors who are caring for those who you love: is this disease or treatment different in women?
From this point on if your child leaves work at home that is needed for school I will make arrangements to call you with a translator and will ask that you please bring the work to the school.
This part in the movie is mainly about the scene that they get lost and want to ask someone for help to give them directions.
There's a lot I want to ask you about, both your work now, what's coming up, and also just, given that this is the anniversary for John's birthday, how did you first meet? How did you firstmeet John?
If this project is inside hodometer, and did not make clear provide for oneself, that cannot ask you provide for oneself.
For example, you might see a sword, and then you would ask, "Does this mean she's angry?" you might then get a feeling of no or yes, or you may get other information that helps you to understand.
It is my hope that as you read this book and allow the words of this blessing to enter your heart, you will be blessed in return. I could not ask for anything sweeter to my soul than that.
There will surely be some discomfort arising from these circumstances, and I ask that you be prepared for this eventuality.
What this means for you: if you open a personal account, we will ask for your name, address, taxpayer identification number, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you.
Given that CRRT has now been in clinical use for three decades, it is fair to ask whether research-based evidence supports the use of this more complex and expensive technology in preference to IHD.
This scaling can be performed automatically by the desktop Window Manager (DWM) for the desktop and for applications that do not explicitly ask not to be scaled.
I ask you today to be still, to hold that material goal, and to focus on another inner goal for yourself this year.
He did not reproach her, he had no right to, but he did ask her if she felt that she could change her way of life, and, in exchange for this sacrifice, offered all the compensations she could want.
He did not reproach her, he had no right to, but he did ask her if she felt that she could change her way of life, and, in exchange for this sacrifice, offered all the compensations she could want.