If you need a drink or to go to the restroom, you should raise your hand and ask for the teachers permission.
It is advisable to eat after or at separate table with your employer. Ask for permission whenever you want to eat supper or snacks.
The CNN App may also ask your permission for "phone calls" to allow you to call CNN regarding story ideas or general feedback.
When you change your living place, you should ask for permission from the management office and re-register at ISD within one week after your removal.
To make the most of my time there, I would very much like to use the facilities at your library and I am writing to ask for your kind permission to do so.
After you have installed the application, it will ask for execution permission. During execution, application attempts to clean received Curse of Silence-messages from your phone.
After you have installed the application, it will ask for execution permission. During execution, application attempts to clean received Curse of Silence-messages from your phone.