"Who is it?" A man's low, garbled voice asked through the speaker grate.
The Mormon church says this is a question often asked by those who wish to denigrate Mormonism; it refers to the Mormon belief that God is the father of all.
"If part of the ship is built in Russia, it will be by Russian engineers and workers, so there will be a transfer of know-how," said an aide to Sarkozy, who asked not to be named.
The question is so absurd that the sanity of the person who asked it would be in far greater doubt than the job security of the Arsenal manager.
But today, Mr Yapias says ruefully, it is the Mexicans and Chicanos (American citizens of Mexican ancestry), as well as other Latinos such as himself (born in Peru), who tend to be asked for papers.
It sounds like a question being asked by someone who does not want to be heard. In other words, it is a little quieter than a whisper.
The Guardian is prevented from identifying the MP who has asked the question, what the question is, which minister might answer it, or where the question is to be found.
"If part of the ship is built in Russia, it will be by Russian engineers and workers, so there will be a transfer of know-how," said an aide to Sarkozy, who asked not to be named. "this."
To understand Anonymous as a collective identity, the crucial question to be asked is not who the individuals are that use the mask, but what it is that this mask allows them to do.
Soyuz commander Dmitry Kondratyev asked Nespoli, who had the best view in the Soyuz upper portion: "Is it beautiful?"
We were beginning to get it right when somebody, who, if his voice was anything to go by, must have had a very freckled face, asked: "But are you sure she is home?"
Opening the door, she found it was a small girl, who picking up her little face and asked, "Auntie, is there a candle in your home?"
ZetaTalk Comment 3/5/2011: We are often asked how the cover-up will break as it is at present a standoff at least by the great powers who dominate the scene.
"I don't understand. What's there to stare at? What is it that we have that they don't have?" I asked Ken, who felt just as confused.
So it is with the reader who comes upon an outstanding story: spellbound, he takes it to his heart, no question asked.
A long necked giraffe is a warning to all who will hear it that it is better not to reach out and interfere with other peoples business unless you are asked.
It is the foreman who asked me to do so.
Haggling over fees seems almost distasteful, especially for squeamish Brits who tend to pay what is asked and resent it later.
Heart has been whispered: they is not without textbooks, copied also remember who asked to copy it is willing to do stupid things?
It is unlikely that Hunt's argument will placate Mourinho, who has asked for the Football Association to review the incident.
Utterly amazed, they asked: Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans? Then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native language?
他们又惊讶、又惊奇,说: “你看,这些说话的,不都是加利利人吗?我们各人怎麽听见他们讲我们从小所用的本乡话呢?
The word is not as important as how it is stated. It sounds like a question being asked by someone who does not want to be heard.
Morning, I found a chair on a very large cake, so she took puzzled asked her mother: "Mum, this is who is sending it?"
My main contention is when there's someone else in the story who doesn't want the attention, whether it's a friend or a lover. For me, I asked for it.
My main contention is when there's someone else in the story who doesn't want the attention, whether it's a friend or a lover. For me, I asked for it.