This means that people can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work - even for commercial purposes, without asking permission.
Asking for permission is a great time to set expectations, ensuring your customers know how often, and under what conditions, they will receive email communications from you.
And honestly I felt very stifled, I couldn't do what I wanted to do without asking for a lot of permission.
They repeat mantras about "breaking all the rules" and "asking for forgiveness rather than permission".
Hu Guoqiu, 18, a freshman majoring in law at Fudan University, said that one of his roommates used the others' shampoo, soap, and even toothpaste without asking for permission.
So here is the plot: this guy wants to marry this girl. And wanted to surprise her with a movie trailer, asking her father for permission!
They stayed for six months, sank four Wells and cleared access roads, all without talking to the villagers or asking their permission.
Just asking for permission to take off can involve days of bureaucratic gauntlet-running, and still end in rejection.
Just asking for permission to take off can involve days of bureaucratic gauntlet-running, and still end in rejection.