Due to the high aspect ratio nature of the silicon nanorods, dye molecules attached to the silicon nanorods produce an enhanced fluorescence upon capture and detection of Salmonella.
Figure 6 shows the video setting entries for video bit rate, frame rate, video size, and aspect ratio.
The resulting laser-machined holes have a much higher aspect ratio (diameter to depth ratio) than holes achieved with standard fabrication techniques.
This means that the aspect ratio of the new image will be the same as that of the previous image.
The iPhone screen also has a significantly different aspect ratio from a typical desktop or laptop monitor.
9 (1920x1080 or 3840x2160), although not officially supported by the DCI specification, this aspect ratio is commonly used, especially for content originally made for HDTV.
9 (1920 x 1080或3840x 2160),虽然未被DCI规格官方支持,但是这种高宽比已被广泛使用,特别是用于最初为HDTV制作的内容。
Jason Snell admits that with the iPad 2's 4:3 aspect ratio, you may have to tweak your television Settings to see the entire picture.
JasonSnell也承认由于iPad2 4:3的长宽比,可能需要调整电视机设置才能看到完整画面。
The company settled upon "packing" images together by understanding their aspect ratio to create "a cohesive page while you scroll," said Marissa Mayer, VP of search products and user experience.
Both the aspect ratio and coverage of field are important factors in defining a true panoramic image.
This generally means it has an aspect ratio of 2:1 or larger, the image being at least twice as wide as its height.
Notice that the aspect ratio and the values for the clipping planes are float values.
The iPad screen is a relatively square, by today’s standards, with an old-school 4:3 screen aspect ratio.
Multi-touch capacitive OLED screen in a 16:9 aspect ratio.
Pixel aspect: Displays the current camera pixel aspect ratio.
While conventional cinema screens have an aspect ratio of 1.85-to-one, the slightly wider 4k movie format can be shoe-horned into television's 1.77-to-one picture frame without too much difficulty.
The sufficient conditions to an instable structure are heavy mass, small stiffness and damping and tall with high aspect ratio.
And a 16:9 aspect ratio in this orientation would look oddly tall and skinny, like an electronic Marilyn Manson.
如果是16:9的话,那么照片里的人就会看起来奇怪的又高又瘦,就像一个电子玛丽莲 曼森(Marilyn Mason,曼森乐团主唱)一样。
They have an aspect ratio of approximately 1:1.094.
Finally, the HD formats of digital TV have a different aspect ratio than analog TVs. An analog TV has a 4:3 aspect ratio, meaning that the screen is 4 units wide and 3 units high.
Three-dimensional turbulent boundary layer on the ground board is measured through the ground effect tests of a delta wing with aspect ratio 3.
The size and aspect ratio of the powder can be adjusted and controlled by changing the amount of additives.
Set the camera film back and pixel aspect ratio.
Without considering other aspects carbon nanotubes with the same aspect ratio have entirely uniform trend in charge density relative distribution curve.
In some cases, it's also useful to constrain the resize to either a vertical, horizontal, or locked aspect ratio.
Based on experimental data, the micro carbon pillar with an aspect ratio of over 500 was fabricated through focus moving method.
You can define the space between views, align the edge of views, define the relative size of two views, or even define a view's aspect ratio.
The width-to-height ratio of the active area of a display. Standard U. S. video has an aspect ratio of 4:3.
This accelerometer is fabricated by N type silicon wafer. To obtain high aspect ratio structure, deep reactive ion etching(DRIE) process is employed.
Influence of different kinds of loading on the critical buckling loads of different aspect ratio structures with and without stiffeners.
The tests are conducted on a wing model with large aspect ratio.