They are hiring assertively in the United State.
You don't need to do that, "said Pearl assertively."
Respond assertively, and following your own perceptions.
All big countries with troubled Banks have acted assertively on this.
Using the right body language helps you communicate more assertively.
From December 10 onward, it will be time to look forward assertively.
When I speak assertively, I state my feelings openly, without being rude or demanding.
Sometimes when you think you're speaking assertively, your body is sending a different message.
They probably thought, 'Here is a little person from one of these agencies trying to assertively expand her jurisdiction.
This combination will give an enormous amount of energy to professional interests and allow you to move ahead quite assertively.
Politely and assertively say "thank you" and resist the urge to be embarrassed or utter something that totally negates the thanks.
Be a hero yourself and tolerate them until they offend your soul and then let them know they are wrong, assertively and without critical judgment or moral superiority.
Social scientists said they have found evidence that a fear of their masculinity being challenged would explain why some men act more assertively when they have a senior female colleague.
You may also become passive-aggressive, where you don't express your anger assertively or directly but scheme to retaliate because you haven't learned how to express anger constructively.
你也许变得态度上消极的敌意。 此时,你没有自信有力地或是直接地表达你的愤怒,而是计划报复,因为你还没有学会如何有建设性地表达。
Bluntly, assertively refusing to comply with their demands Withers them, because in their warped emotional environment, one person in each twosome must always dominate, the other be dominated.
Generally, most situations lend themselves to quietly but assertively taking issue with a colleague or client while still conveying respect for their position, and your own, as we will see below.
But if you feel uncomfortable with the question and the context in which it was asked, you can politely but assertively state that you don't believe the question is relevant to your qualifications.
But if you feel uncomfortable with the question and the context in which it was asked, you can politely but assertively state that you don't believe the question is relevant to your qualifications.