In Part 2 of the series, we will further explore the new co-constraint features, specifically assertions and the conditional type assignment mechanism.
In the case where assignment as part of a process definition an assignee can be defined by specifying of either a specific user, a user group, or a swimlane.
Years later, she gets her chance to finally come back in style and be popular as part of an undercover journalism assignment, leading to the triumphant geek-girl cry, "I'm not Josie Grossie anymore!"
You may be surprised to hear that the word "argument" does not have to be written anywhere in your assignment for it to be an important part of your task.
Select User Rights Assignment in the left window (if not already selected) and then double-click Act as part of the operating system (Figure 6).
If you live with multiples people - be it kids, significant others, or roommates - make sure you create weekly assignment lists so that everyone can play their part in keeping your home orderly.
Traffic assignment is a key part of transportation planning, and the determination of efficient paths in the transportation network is the important basis of traffic assignment.
Safeguard the imptant part of the hotel take ge of entertaining safekeeping assignment in a great feast.
The theory of value formation and value assignment is an important part in the economic theories in each historical period.
In the main part of the assignment, we want to explore what sort of barriers can face Multi National Company, which is in our case IKEA, in entering one of the foreign markets.
Part of the challenge of this assignment lies in recognizing the structure and redundancy of the rhyme and improving the code using static methods.
Bear in mind that drafts of writing assignments figure to some extent as part of the grade for that assignment.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Party hereby waives its preemptive right in the case of any assignment of all or part of the other Party's registered capital to an affiliate of the other Party.
I was a part of a team that specifically studied 1983 to 2004 which was commissioned in 2039 with all assignment finished by 2044.
Any assignment of any part or all of his shares to a third person by any party shall be approved of by the other party and ratified by the departments concerned in execution of the contract.
The first part of the assignment is to submit in Recitation 9 (1) a preliminary title, (2) a draft outline, and (3) an initial set of references for your end-of-the-term assignment.
The first part of the assignment is to submit in Recitation 9 (1) a preliminary title, (2) a draft outline, and (3) an initial set of references for your end-of-the-term assignment.