Use a standard assignment statement to assign the source array to the destination array.
The first statement right here, that's just an assignment statement, I'm giving some value to x.
If the repeated declaration has an initializer, it ACTS as if it were simply an assignment statement.
Another, more compact way to represent the same expression is to use an assignment statement similar to this.
You store a value in a variable by putting the variable name on the left side of an assignment statement.
The procedure in Listing 22 demonstrates the solidDB scalar function TIMESTAMPDIFF, used in an assignment statement.
To set the default property value, use the variable name, with an argument list, on the left side of an assignment statement.
Note that an assignment statement which is assigning a function literal or object literal is still an assignment statement and must end with a semicolon.
And so we saw that as well, the last piece we had here is the ability to create variables, which have their own values, and that's done using an assignment statement.
Almost anywhere you can put a value, you can put an arbitrary expression, with one exception: the left side of an assignment statement has to be a variable name.
In writing an assignment statement, for example, you can declare variables of any type, use any identifier to the left of the equal sign, and supply any expression on the right.
All the other statements of the language exist in order to make it possible to perform a computation that must be based on this primitive construct: the assignment statement.
The value of the property participates in the expression just as a variable or constant would, or it is stored in the variable or property on the left side of the assignment statement.
This is the first time that this example is using a relation as a declarative statement to define an expression (in other words, a value assignment) instead of using it for model-to-model mapping.
Also, the response to each of the anticipated exceptions is to do nothing, but the CONTINUE HANDLER declaration expects a complete SQL statement; hence the dummy assignment.
I just came back from the meeting held by Genertec concerning to assignment of year-end financial statement.
I just came back from the meeting held by Genertec concerning to assignment of year-end financial statement.