His family tried to assimilate into the white and Hispanic communities.
China needs to assimilate a good deal of foreign progressive culture, but she must not swallow anything and everything uncritically.
No only does doing so often cause you to have an upset stomach, but taking them with food helps the digestive system better assimilate the, so your body (and brain) can better use them.
The distinction is an important one, for it helps to explain why the Vlachs can somewhat assimilate (or blend) into the Greek majority.
“It is an aggregate effect,” Mr. Fioramonti said. “These things give you the ability to assimilate more information.”
You need to gather all the main points so that you can assimilate them under the topic you need.
In this scenario, due to the lag time required to assimilate new resources, the relationship between required resources and estimated delivery timeframe may even turn negative.
You will also find that holding on to what is no longer there, or more correctly where you no longer are, impedes your own ability to observe, assimilate and respond.
Refraining from food at night gives our bodies time to assimilate nutrients and rest.
After years of often-tragic attempts to assimilate into modern life the people who still inhabit the few remaining wild places on the planet, the policy is a step in a totally different direction.
Maybe there will be some kind of backlash when they hit adolescence, but at least they will have had most of their lives to assimilate the information.
It lies in its failure to assimilate into its business culture both Arab-Israelis and ultra-orthodox Jews, who will together be about one-third of the population by 2025.
The brain takes that long to assimilate all it needs to know to achieve true mastery.
They begin to assimilate their value by how they are treated; by how well their basic physical needs are met.
Seek to determine the social norms early on and assimilate them instead of being a maverick. Does the community communicate more in email lists or IRC channels?
As I decluttered slowly and methodically, year in and year out, my friends and family had plenty of time to assimilate my lifestyle.
Once they receive this information, they must try to assimilate it without the benefit of having been involved in any of the earlier stakeholder meetings.
The best students are taught advanced classes to be prepared for further studies while students who assimilate a little bit more slowly receive an education more adapted to their needs.
China needs to assimilate a good deal of foreign progressive culture, but it must not swallow anything and everything uncritically.
Even as they were forbidden to exercise any kind of Jewish identity, they also had no option to assimilate in Soviet society.
When I think about it now, I think that our eagerness to assimilate the horrors and our desire to make everyone else aware of them was in fact repulsive.
Critics say this amounts to dumping victims of war in warehouses, leaving them more vulnerable than those who assimilate into the wider population.
This is especially true in a world where we receive more information every day than we have time to assimilate.
They signify the importance of listening in order to assimilate ideas.
The person we are looking for must be flexible, creative, and able to assimilate new ideas.
Sensual memorization means to assimilate something by the conscious mind.
Sensual memorization means to assimilate something by the conscious mind.