The windows didn't fit at the bottom so for a while we froze even in the middle of summer.
Rather than crowd your screen with new shortcuts, you can switch to a new desktop by clicking on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen.
"It's tough at the top," he said. "It's tougher at the bottom," riposted the billionaire.
He had worked in the theatre for many years, starting at the bottom.
He swam down and retrieved his glasses from the muck and slime at the bottom of the pond.
The bodies of the three climbers were located at the bottom of a steep gully.
These workers are fed up with being at the bottom of the pile when it comes to pay.
Full details, including the website address to log on to, are at the bottom of this page.
The two systems are, at bottom, conceptual models.
I fell and landed heavily at the bottom of the stairs.
Morale in the armed forces was at rock bottom.
"You couldn't have wanted it much," said Alice, "living at the bottom of the sea."
"Universal history, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bottom the History of the Great Men who have worked here," wrote the Victorian sage Thomas Carlyle.
He'd be at home in Buckingham Palace or at the bottom of a coal mine, he said.
But Edward Dolman, Christie's chief executive, says: "I'm pretty confident we're at the bottom."
He always hides love deep at the bottom of his heart.
A Chinese saying is written at the bottom of each page in this book.
Check out the sticker at the bottom of Andy's toy chest for a very familiar clownfish.
At bottom, its attractiveness is based more on structural factors-or, more accurately, on an illusion about structural differences between the American and European economies.
It is a curious subject of observation and inquiry, whether hatred and love be not the same thing at bottom.
The euro zone is showing the symptoms of an internal balance-of-payments crisis, with self-fulfilling runs on countries, because at bottom that is the nature of its troubles.
Thus, the dictum could be dared in the psychoanalytic school: at bottom, nobody believes in his own death.
There is no such perception, when we think we have insight into the way the physical things behave, at bottom there is this assumption of uniformity which is based on no insight whatever.
And because most business processes are, at bottom, computer algorithms, the Supreme Court's judgment could also bar all sorts of software patents in the process.
The uppermost dimmer layer is snow from last winter, the bright layer in the center is last summer, and the dimmer layer at bottom is the winter before that.
The physics prize was also awarded for what is, at bottom, a piece of carbon chemistry.
He is at bottom a deeply old-fashioned Conservative; so old-fashioned, in fact, as to confound the expectations shaped by recent Tory history.
At bottom, we will observe, there was nothing in all this that was not extremely serious. It was social elements entering into strife, while awaiting the day when they should enter into equilibrium.
At bottom, we will observe, there was nothing in all this that was not extremely serious. It was social elements entering into strife, while awaiting the day when they should enter into equilibrium.