This is the draft of a declaration that will be issued at the end of the aforementioned U.N. conference.
OK, we'll have a careful look at the content of your case study in a minute, but I just want to make a general comment first, before you start writing your second draft.
A closer look at the fine print also reveals that the draft legislation is far from harmless.
That is one of the goals of the upcoming J2EE Connector Architecture 1.0 specification; a draft copy is publicly available at the time of this writing (see Resources).
这就是即将出现的J2EEConnectorArchitecture 1.0规范的目标之一,在我写这篇文章之时,就已经公开了一份草案副本。 (请参阅 参考资料)。
Make sure that there is a market for what you want to publish before you have a 300-page draft gathering dust in your bottom desk drawer; I did that once, and it is a bittersweet experience at best.
WebSockets is a draft standard which is sponsored by Google, Apple and others at the WhatWG working group that is standardising HTML 5.
WebSockets是一个标准草案,这项草案由Google、Apple和其他进行HTML 5标准化的 WhatWG工作组成员所资助。
The latest draft has added, apparently at the last minute, a whole section on managers' remuneration, which seems to have been cut and pasted from similar proposals relating to the banking system.
If your original draft of the material utilizes a pricey backdrop, look carefully at whether the backdrop is really essential to the delivery of the verbal or visual humor.
Before speaking at TED, Sandberg sent a draft of her speech to Gloria Steinem, who is a friend.
The conferees worked for a solid week at the plush Jekyll Island retreat, and hammered out the draft of the bill for the Federal Reserve System.
I was a farm boy and at the time I would have had a deferment from the draft as an only farm son.
At the time of this writing, it is still in the Working Draft stage at the W3C, which means it has some way to go yet before it becomes a Recommendation.
Still, he pressed on, and at the end of July was predicting a completed "rough draft" by October.
Much of the implementation work on MagLev preceded the draft standard. At this point what would help us most would be a compatibility test kit which certifies standards compliance, similar to the JCK.
On February 6, the Wall Street Journal ran a story on my draft experience and on my relationship with the ROTC program at the University of Arkansas in 1969.
On July 8th reports of a draft bill aimed at settling the terms on which mining companies can acquire and exploit land ended up sending the shares of firms in the industry lower rather than higher.
In Germany, for instance, a team at the finance ministry is working on draft amendments to the stock exchange and securities laws to implement MiFID.
A working draft indicates work in progress, but should not be used as reference material. The content may be updated, replaced, or rendered obsolete at any time.
c. to accept a bill of exchange (“draft”) drawn by the beneficiary and pay at maturity if the credit is available by acceptance.
Larry Hilton, a Utah attorney who helped draft the law, disagrees and says the gold standard would restore faith in American money at a time when spiraling debt is weakening confidence.
拉里·希尔顿(Larry Hilton)是一名来自犹他州的律师,他帮助起草了该项法律。 拉里并不同意卡洛斯的观点,并且指出金本位可以重振人们对美国货币的信心,尤其是在当下这一时期,不断上升的债务日渐消磨士气。
The only caveat here is if the memo is cancelled at this time, a draft copy is still saved due to the background LotusScript classes used.
I didn't mention that I had asked Jeff Dwire to get me reclassified 1-a and that the local draft board had done so at the October meeting, because I knew Jeff had already told the colonel that.
我没有提到曾让杰夫帮我重新划归到1 - A类,而且当地征兵委员会已经在10月的会议上办理了此事,因为我知道杰夫已跟上校说过此事。
Send a quick email - 2.5 to 3 minutes is usually long enough to get an email put together, if not you could get a good first draft started at least.
发一份电子邮件- - -通常两三分钟的时间足够写好一份电子邮件了,如果时间不够的话,写个开头也是好的。
Send a quick email - 2.5 to 3 minutes is usually long enough to get an email put together, if not you could get a good first draft started at least.
发一份电子邮件- - -通常两三分钟的时间足够写好一份电子邮件了,如果时间不够的话,写个开头也是好的。