Thus, if you want to sell your home quickly and at a good price, you should use Adams.
If you assess the market value of your house, I think you can sell it at a good price.
They are a great product at a good price. I never had any stomach upset, and had a very healthy pregnancy.
Good management is not just about buying players, it is just as important to know the right time to sell and at a good price!
Those who do not use "Jenny machine" spinning workers with low output, but also the inability to sell at a good price of cotton yarn.
If you want that seductive new sedan at a good price, you're probably going to need to know what to say — and more importantly, what not to say.
As I have no money to buy fodder, my sheep are now in very poor condition and they cannot be sold at a good price when they're fully grown.
Like any woman, she was happy to be admired, but she was also deter - mined to sell her wheat at a good price, and to do business with the other farmers like a man.
We cannot do good to others save at a cost to ourselves, and our afflictions are the price we pay for our ability to sympathize.
Given Rio's tricky financial situation, Chinalco is in position to get a good measure of control of such assets at a decent price.
You have a right to earn a fair price for your work, and doubly so when you are good at your job and have excellent experience.
Some good airline stock is offered at a low price, I must strike while the iron is hot.
European option: the right to buy a given quantity of a good or security at a specific time and at a specific price (the strike price).
Of Britain's place near the bottom of the list, Mr Price said: 'If we're no good at football and no good at comedy either, it's a bit of a pie in the face for us.'
It makes little economic sense for a country to produce a good that can be purchased from another country at lower price.
Yet Tata has been as good as his word. The Nano is going on sale on April 9 at 470 outlets across India at a factory price of 100, 000 rupees, not including taxes and transport costs.
At 5pm PST the new Napster will launch with a $5 monthly subscription plan (down from the old $15 plan) and what you get for that price looks quite good.
在太平洋标准时间(PST)下午5点,新版Napster将重新推出,并提供一个每月5美元的订阅套餐(比原先15美元的计划有所下调)。 而这样的价格看起来很实惠。
To be frank with you, if it weren't for our good relations, we'd hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price.
American option: the right to buy a given quantity of a good or security at or before a specific time and at a specific price (the strike price).
When we see companies at what we think is a good price, the company usually has problems.
If it weren't for our good relationship, we'd hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price.
To be frank with you, if it weren't for our long and good relations, we wouldn't consider making you a firm offer at a price lower than we offer to others.
Of Britain's place near the bottom of the list, Mr Price said: 'If we're no good at football and no good at comedy either, it's a bit of a pie in the face for us.
Of Britain's place near the bottom of the list, Mr Price said: 'If we're no good at football and no good at comedy either, it's a bit of a pie in the face for us.