The first Revelations were disclosed in June, when Zink and his colleagues presented some of their initial findings at a scientific meeting.
I was answering questions at a town hall meeting in Wisconsin the other day and a young man raised his hand, and I figured he'd ask about college tuition or energy or maybe the war in Iraq.
In the first scenario, a person with an MQTT client application on his or her phone is meeting someone at the airport.
在第一个场景中,假设此人的电话上安装了 MQTT客户应用程序,他在机场等待接机。
Whittle, whose primary area of research relates to galaxy formation, presented his cosmic riff at a recent meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Denver.
He outlined his thinking at a meeting in 2007 of the new Council on Social Action established by Gordon Brown, the prime minister.
When a family member called him at work, his secretary Linetta answered, “Your dad’s in a meeting. Would you like me to interrupt him?”
They also enjoy meeting the artist, an otherworldly character who is at ease talking about his work in a black Gucci suit.
When a family member called him at work, his secretary Linetta answered, "Your dad's in a meeting. Would you like me to interrupt him?"
In April 2008, Bedier led a meeting at eBay's North First Street headquarters, where he presented his idea to CEO John Donahoe and his lieutenants.
After Mr. Obama announces his Afghanistan strategy, Mrs. Clinton will brief NATO allies at a meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels on Dec. 3 and 4.
At an all-company meeting in a Seattle sports stadium, one hapless employee used his iPhone to snap photos of Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer.
在美国西雅图一处体育馆里举行的全公司大会上,一个倒霉的微软员工用自己的iPhone手机为微软首席执行长鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)拍照。
On a bright New England morning in 1953, Margaret Sanger set out for a meeting with Gregory Pincus at his lab.
It was more of a response from some of the vitriol I've seen tossed at him throughout his career in regards to not meeting lofty expectations.
Once the roster had been determined in training camp, Phil Jackson gathered his players for a meeting at the Lakers hotel in Hawaii.
Heller discussed his stem cell research during a panel discussion in San Francisco at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
An angel appears at a faculty meeting and tells the dean that in return for his unselfish and exemplary behavior, the Lord will reward him with his choice of infinite wealth, wisdom, or beauty.
I was answering questions at a town hall meeting in Wisconsin this week and a young man raised his hand said to me, and I figured he'd ask about college tuition or energy or maybe the war in Iraq.
The president of Tekton Architecture and Artisan Builders Corporation moved to Lincoln in 2003 after meeting his future wife at a conference and 'showing up on her doorstep.
At the time of his call, I was in a dinner meeting with several of my friends, who were all happy to quickly finish our meal and head over to the Taiwan Brewery Beer Bar!
His parents felt it a great honour to be asked to speak at the meeting held in honour of the school's birthday.
This time, his relative calm was unnerving. "It was one of the few times at Apple when I got a chill , " says someone who was in the meeting.
Kenyon said at a European Club Association meeting that Kakuta was also stunned that his move in 2007 was judged as a breach of contract.
PATNA, India - a school principal fatally stabbed a Hindu nationalist lawmaker while he was meeting with some of his supporters Tuesday at his residence in an eastern Indian state, police said.
At the appointed time, his secretary will come in and will bring a card that says it's time for his next meeting, and you will be out of that office within five minutes.
At the appointed time, his secretary will come in and will bring a card that says it's time for his next meeting, and you will be out of that office within five minutes.