S. roads grew at a rapid clip throughout the 20th century, a trend now under way in China.
LeEco has moved on from consumer electronics to entertainment and even driverless cars at a rapid clip.
With their business expanding at a rapid clip, they bought the Ferrari as a reward for their hard work.
Construction continues at a rapid clip in America, so the demand for skilled surveyors is greater than ever.
This is, admittedly, easy to do when you have a few thousand users; they expect things to change at a rapid clip.
Hawaiian Telcom filed for bankruptcy in December, not least because it was losing landline customers at a rapid clip.
Hawaiian Telcom去年12月申请破产保护,关键原因就是其固定用户飞速流失。
With their business expanding at a rapid clip, in the summer of 2008 they bought the Ferrari as a reward for their hard work.
生意迅速做大。 2008年暑假,他们买了一辆法拉利作为自己辛勤工作的奖励。
With their business expanding at a rapid clip, in the summer of 2008 they bought the Ferrari as a reward for their hard work.
They are replacing traditional bikes and motorcycles at a rapid clip and, in many cases, allowing people to put off the switch to cars.
This child soon learns that Barbie dolls are by no means the only physical objects that pass into and out of her young life at a rapid clip.
The middle market investment bank Jefferies &Co., for example, is expanding at a rapid clip and Mr. Smith predicts it could become a big player in a few years.
举例来说,中间市场投资银行Jefferies &Co.正在迅速扩张,史密斯预计这家公司将在未来几年变得举足轻重。
The middle market investment bank Jefferies & Co., for example, is expanding at a rapid clip and Mr. Smith predicts it could become a big player in a few years.
On the surface, things will look much as they do now, but everything will move at a more rapid clip.
表面上,事情会看起来就像他们现在做的一样,然而所有的一切将会以更快 的速度向前移动。
If you entered a single digit into each cell at the relatively rapid clip of one cell per second, it would take you over 500 years, nonstop, to fill up a worksheet.
If you entered a single digit into each cell at the relatively rapid clip of one cell per second, it would take you over 500 years, nonstop, to fill up a worksheet.