He even went to a meeting at Buckingham Palace!
Sleeping with a straight body, with arms at each side, as if they are standing guard at Buckingham Palace, indicates stubbornness.
One hundred and seventy guests have been invited to the dinner at Buckingham Palace.
The award will be presented to him by the Duke of Edinburgh at Buckingham Palace on 5 May.
When Andrew is at Buckingham Palace, and the Queen hears he's there, she'll send him a note.
Members of the royal Family and members of foreign royal families arrive at Buckingham Palace.
The first Investiture of the Queen's reign took place at Buckingham Palace on 27th February 1952.
Charles and Diana look at baby William on the day of his christening at Buckingham Palace in 1982.
Every morning the guard is changed at Buckingham Palace with faultless precision and gay military music.
The list will be announced on Woman's Hour from 10am on Wednesday, in a programme pre-recorded at Buckingham Palace.
People come from all over the world to see the Royal Family, or at least the people who guard them at Buckingham Palace.
There were no crowds at the gates and no pedestrian barriers at Buckingham Palace when this vintage snap was taken in 1908.
When celebrating the most powerful women of the last 70 years, it may seem natural to host a celebration at Buckingham Palace.
In May an intruder who sparked a police lock-down at Buckingham Palace when he scaled a 10ft wall was revealed as a convicted murderer.
The Royal Family. People come from all over the world to see the Royal Family, or at least the people who guard them at Buckingham Palace.
At the night of the wedding, Prince Charles will host a dinner and dance at Buckingham Palace for family members and close friends of the newlyweds37.
After the morning ceremony at the Abbey, some 600 guests are invited to a reception at Buckingham Palace, where the food and drinks are sure to be amazing.
But the 67 MEDALS at this year's Games in Rio and 147 at the Paralympics meant that the GB medallists' reception at Buckingham Palace was a crowded and happy event.
He'd be at home in Buckingham Palace or at the bottom of a coal mine, he said.
In the years, they had worked together, whether at Logue's little surgery, at Sandringham, Windsor or Buckingham Palace, they had developed a system.
Members of foreign royal families arrive at the Abbey from Buckingham Palace.
In the years they had worked together, whether at Logue's little surgery, at Sandringham, Windsor or Buckingham Palace, they had developed a system.
The couple are now at a reception in Buckingham Palace, where the formality of the ceremonies will be relaxed.
The British monarchy has started what it called a "royal Twitter" account that will be run by the web teams at royal residences Buckingham Palace and Clarence House, according to its website.
英国皇室网站上周五表示,英国皇室已经在Twitter上开设了一个“皇家t witter”账户,将由英国白金汉宫和克拉伦斯宫(Clarence House)的网络团队负责使用。
The Merrill Lynch office I worked at was in a beautiful, old building located two blocks from Buckingham Palace.
The Merrill Lynch office I worked at was in a beautiful, old building located two blocks from Buckingham Palace.