Had the action been begun two hours earlier, it would have been over at four o 'clock, and Blucher would have fallen on the battle won by Napoleon.
The tilbury and the horse will be in front of my door to-morrow morning at half-past four o 'clock.
He turned and saw a Hunter pair plod onto the top at the four o 'clock position, flanked by a vanguard of three Elites with energy swords.
On the phone, I promised her to meet at the park at four o 'clock to show our picture in the newspaper.
He promised to be here at four o 'clock but didn't appear until six.
"At four o 'clock, therefore, we may expect this peacemaking gentleman," said Mr. Bennet, as he folded up the letter.
Roger lost consciousness at four o 'clock in the afternoon and died in the night.
Normal working hours at Discharging Port shall mean from 0 (zero) to 24 (twenty-four) o 'clock, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
Five days a week, beginning at four o 'clock in the morning, she would make Barack his breakfast and gave him English lessons for three hours before he left for school and she left for work.
At four o 'clock in the afternoon has much, winter, dark early, climbed to the top of the mountain while it was dark.
The sky had been a dark grey all day, with not a gleam of sun, and the light failed at four o 'clock.
On the third day, at four o 'clock in the morning, he came running into my room, started shaking me and said: What have you done?
On the third day, at four o 'clock in the morning, he came running into my room, started shaking me and said: What have you done?