Seeing Tess standing at gaze he went across to her.
Here, a neighbor father, crazed with grief at the death of his son, killed himself, and the moon implies in its gaze that the poet should do so, too.
To gaze upon the same planet in space, or at the same glowworm gleaming in the grass;
Gaze instead at the face of a bright and bubbly brunette who smiled even when she was unhappy, a face always in the middle of a crowd.
See all your subtleties, face yourself squarely, and gaze at all the parts you don't want to.
Chimps will follow a person's gaze, but by looking at his head, even if his eyes are closed.
He could not look at her at all now, his gaze moving from side to side, then down to the floor, then up again to some distant point behind her.
Men were no quicker in determining gaze direction when looking at other men's faces, nor were women able to more quickly determine gaze direction when looking at other women's faces.
Our eyes met in the mirror. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she broke our gaze and looked at some people standing on the street.
When you gaze up at the stars at night, you are looking into the unblinking eyes of elephants, who sleep with one eye open, to best keep watch over us.
There the stars and I could gaze at each other, and no time was lost in greeting the dawn.
Hindsight is wonderful: from the walkway to my flat, I gaze out at the back end of a superstore atop the old waterway, and mourn for it.
At this name of Waterloo, Marius, who was leaning his elbows on a table, beside a glass of water, removed his wrist from beneath his chin, and began to gaze fixedly at the audience.
But when Apple casts its gaze at the enterprise space, it doesn't see sufficiently compelling design problems that will emotionally affect users.
Perhaps that is why long after we have climbed down their trunks we still gaze at trees in awe.
But he also finds other vantage points from which to gaze at the heaving muck of New York, most memorably Manhattan's municipal courthouse.
With a sweep of his hand he cleared a vacant space in front among the breakfast things, and leant forward to gaze more at his ease.
I was going to. But she was beautiful and had suddenly begun to gaze at me with an unmistakable look of respect.
Marius indulged in melancholy conjectures; he dared not watch the porte cochere during the day; he contented himself with going at night to gaze upon the red light of the windows.
白先生和他的女儿不再在卢森堡公园出现了。 马吕斯无精打采地胡思乱想,他不敢白天去张望那扇大门,只好在晚上以仰望窗口玻璃片上带点红色的灯光来满足自己。
They will gaze at colorful crystals, unravel the structures of alkaloids from frog skin, simulate the complex motion of enzymes on computers and study the cellular reactions that fuel life.
One remarkably simple method: Gaze at a photo of a loved one.
Grab some guests and head outside to gaze at the Moon together, even if just for a few minutes.
There is a blankness in his gaze that hints at the scars his childhood and guantanamo have left on him.
For the time being, I was content to gaze at the snowy Tibetan mountains rising out of the clouds.As I watched, they glowed pink in the setting sun before turning silver in the moonlight.
In the experimental design, monkeys were placed in front of a computer screen and were trained to perform a saccade task, in which they learned to direct their gaze at specific areas.
On these occasions Mother would steal out quietly, watching me from a place where I could not see her.When I calmed down, she would come back softly and gaze at me with sad eyes.
Debussy used to gaze at the River Seine and the golden reflections of the setting sun to establish an atmosphere for creativity.
Debussy used to gaze at the River Seine and the golden reflections of the setting sun to establish an atmosphere for creativity.