His boots were patched down at heel.
He used to dress quite smartly, but he looks very down at heel nowadays.
The morning's meeting was followed at heel by lunch and then by another meeting in the afternoon.
People with flat feet usually have flexible joints that cause their ankles to roll too far inward at heel-strike.
Their hair was but half attended to, their ears anaemic in hue, and their shoes broken in leather and run down at heel and toe.
Testing instrument was installed in sampler at heel of hydraulic pump, put into down-hole with pump, and it can examine water cut of formation fluid, save history curves in real time by data memory.
At first, I thought the challenge would be to train her to sit, to heel, to walk calmly beside us and not go wildly chasing the neighborhood rabbits.
He pulled up his slippers at the heel, for he had trodden them down.
In conventional high-heeled shoes, the heel is much higher than the rest of the shoe, causing the wearer to place their foot at an Angle.
Your last week in massage school, they teach you never to work the transverse reflex zone at the heel of the foot.
They are like awful little bricks - too stiff, too rigid, with no flexibility at the sole and too much heel raise.
It didn't look at shoe heel height, it looked at anatomical heel length, the distance from the back of your ankle joint to the insertion of the Achilles tendon.
The inspector remained silent for a moment, then replied, as he warmed the heel of his boot at the door of the stove.
Down and see what they are about! "So he pulled up his slippers at the heel."
Obama sat like a jazz musician on his chair, one heel hooked at an angle, while McCain sat as if he might leap up at any moment, or stood impatiently waiting for his turn to speak.
When I look at a foot print on sand it is very clear to see that the main force goes to the heel and ball.
I cannot believe how just one look at this Zebra &Hot Pink High Heel Shoe Chair brings back memories of big hair, splattered make-up, bushy eye-brows and ghastly denims.
Achilles tendinitis is inflammation of the Achilles (uh-KIL-eez) tendon, the band of tissue that connects calf muscles at the back of the lower leg to your heel bone.
"If you just look at the heel, you are immediately going to see that if there was not the right engineering, it would break," the designer told CNN.
Old houses sometimes look down - at - the - heel.
But it's the surging price of coal that may prove to be China's Achilles' heel, at least in the short term.
Fourth on the list is high-heel lover, Suri Cruise, who at the tender age of five is nothing if not dedicated to the world of fashion.
Still, heel and toe depths at Laetoli provide a glimpse of efficient walking “long before the emergence of our own genus, Homo, ” Jungers says.
Unemployment, at an unacceptable 15% in 2003-04, remains the economy"s Achilles heel.
失业率在2003-2004年面临十分不理想的水平―15%,停留在经济的“阿基里斯之踵(Achilles heel)”上。
Affectionately known as Tarzan, Lord Heseltine helped bring about the revival of the London Docklands and down-at-heel parts of Liverpool three decades ago.
Affectionately known as Tarzan, Lord Heseltine helped bring about the revival of the London Docklands and down-at-heel parts of Liverpool three decades ago.