A sudden stop can be a very frightening experience, especially if you are travelling at high speed.
I observed a white SUV driving erratically at high speed.
Bohlin's work with planes showed him what could happen in a crash at high speed.
Light is already used to transmit data across fibre optic networks at high speed.
The roller coaster moved at high speed and we were screaming through the whole ride.
Careful as he was, working at the very peak of his ability, he lost control at high speed.
They have developed relatively static advertisements that get a message across even at high speed.
At Maker Faire, it's important to keep alert, as you never know what might drive by at high speed.
In this way, the radius and time required to complete a turn will be less than that at high speed.
In a variation of the game, drivers approach roundabouts at high speed and go around the wrong way.
The craft, which weighed 560kg and 950kg respectively, apparently smashed into each other at high speed.
Genetic studies, confirmed at high speed by a panel of experts, are to be published in the journal Science.
George and Charlotte Blonsky, who invented a device to help women give birth by spinning them at high speed;
乔治·布隆斯基及夏洛特·布隆斯基(George and CharlotteBlonsky),两人发明了“旋转助产仪”,即一个利用高速旋转帮助产妇生产的装置;
We will simply collide in love and fuse to become a great team - this is what is heading to us at high speed.
An hour into the journey, a bus driving in the opposite direction tried to overtake a truck on a curve at high speed.
He says a mechanic who noticed the damage told him the rubber could have burst open at high speed and caused a crash.
A mechanical arm then emerges, pulls the bike into a cylindrical well and stores it at high speed in a free location.
In 2011, for the first time in 20 years, Pirelli will supply Formula 1 racing teams with tyres to burn up at high speed.
Diving in a bait ball is very dangerous. Dolphins are charging at high speed and there is always danger of clash, "he said."
Weylandt fell from his bike at high speed during a speed descent about 20km from Rapallo, where the tour's third stage ended.
If yours has a built-in cleaning system that shakes the sensor at high speed, enable it to prevent dust from accumulating.
The ability to see at high speed is common in fast-flying insects; allowing them to escape predators and catch their mates mid-air.
The machine looks like a giant, thick, grooved vinyl record spinning at high speed to capture nearly 90 percent of the oil on the waters.
As you Max the dial, you'll have more brake at middle, but brake at high speed is still on the line of magnet profile, not exponential.
Called Distronic, it also operates at high speed and adjusts both braking and acceleration to maintain a constant distance from other cars.
What caused concern about this accident, however, was that bits of the engine flew out at high speed, causing some damage to the aircraft's wing.
The transit will be made at high speed, and will end with the delivery of cargo 'feet dry' on the beach in a range of sea conditions and terrain.
The function of CCT (Computer Compatible Tape) conversion record apparatus is to convert multichannel analog signals into digital ones at high speed.
The function of CCT (Computer Compatible Tape) conversion record apparatus is to convert multichannel analog signals into digital ones at high speed.