In my one memorable exchange with him, I pointed out that his argument on the question at issue was circular.
It looks like what's at issue is less how long your food stays on the floor and much more how contaminated with bacteria that patch of floor happens to be.
At issue is the TMT's planned location on Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano worshiped by some Hawaiians as the piko that connects the Hawaiian Islands to the heavens.
The trend at issue is the trend towards cleverness.
What is at issue the extent of which inflation causes unemployment.
But in these two cases neither the same hope nor the same despair is at issue.
On Monday, the Court ruled that the method at issue was too abstract to be patented.
What is at issue here is nothing less than remaking the culture of an entire industry.
But websites can lose that immunity if they play a role in developing the content at issue.
At issue now is who should bear responsibility for the bursting of yet another Wall Street bubble.
The fifth step involves action, and can be expressed by a verbal agreement with the person at issue.
At issue is the difference between a taxpayer's tax bracket and the effective tax rate that taxpayer pays.
At issue was the EU Directive on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts, transposed directly into English law in 1999.
At issue are the perverse incentives which led some bankers to pitch their Banks, and the entire financial system, into peril.
At issue, the legal employment there of hundred of Italian and Portuguese contractors while many Britons cannot find any work.
At issue is the difficulty of allocating the cost of collective action and trusting other parties to bear their share of the burden.
This rule (already on the books, but not much used) dictates that discovery requests should be in line with the sums of money at issue.
However, Random House, which publishes many of the titles at issue in print, objected to the deal and launched a boycott of Wylie clients.
然而,RandomHouse,相关作品中部分印刷版本的发行商,反对这个协议,并开展了对Wylie clients的抵制。
At issue is waste dumped by Texaco (bought by Chevron in 2001) as long ago as the 1960s in the region around Lago Agrio in the Ecuadorean jungle.
While checking the speed using the exact type of computation at issue is more precise, hashcash still provides a relatively general CPU benchmark.
At issue in many instances is the lack of cooperation and integration between the several levels of education, which often blocks easy transfer of credits.
At issue is whether wolves, which were heavily hunted in the U.S. west for many decades, have recovered in Numbers enough to allow hunters to target them again.
I'm not suggesting that I like this video, the one at issue that you provided the five-minute clip about. To me, it's not entertaining, but that's not the point.
In Britain, the Royal Bank of Scotland shed around 40 percent of its value at one stage. At issue were questions over the institution's liquidity and solvency.
In Britain, the Royal Bank of Scotland shed around 40 percent of its value at one stage. At issue were questions over the institution's liquidity and solvency.