These two principles make the L/C mechanism run at lowest cost, but they bring convenience to L/C beneficiary for fraud.
This paper introduce multiple solutions to maximal flows and, by adjusting circle, presents a simple approach to work out maximal flows at lowest cost.
Hot Money, also known as Refugee capital, refers to those short-term speculative capital flowing rapidly in international financial market in pursuit of maximum reward at lowest cost.
热钱(Hot Money),又称游资(RefugeeCapital),投机性短期资本,指为追求最高报酬以最低风险而在国际金融市场上迅速流动的短期投机性资金。
Their objective appears to focus only on building the shortest possible route between locations of interest at the lowest cost with little or no regard for environmental consequences.
Under this scenario, the goal will have to be producing the most meat at the lowest environmental cost.
We started a project at Facebook a little over a year ago with a pretty big goal: to build one of the most efficient computing infrastructures at the lowest possible cost.
However, when development teams apply these best practices, they will provide new value at the lowest possible cost to their business team.
The Kyoto Protocol, which caps greenhouse-gas emissions in Europe and Japan up to 2012, includes market-based mechanisms to promote the reduction of emissions at the lowest cost.
For example, when using a travel reservation system, the user's intent is usually to find the fastest route at the lowest cost.
Thus, to meet the regulatory requirements for data retention with minimum expenditure, the organizations are trying to store more amount of data at the lowest possible cost.
The Walmart basket cost $95.75 in September; Kroger, at second lowest, came in at $101.93.
This is sufficient funds at the lowest cost of business, merger, the best opportunity for expansion.
How can the most effective transmission of the most accurate information to their customer base, and cost control at the lowest limits?
Lead a team of repairman, sub-lead, and operator to achieve the quality of products, which meet specified quality levels at the lowest cost within schedule time.
The main target of Logistics is to achieve the certain customer service level at the lowest total cost.
Disease surveillance is further needed to detect NCDs early, when patient management has the best chance of success at the lowest cost.
It relies on reverse auctions in which those solar producers who commit to producing power at the lowest cost win the right to operate.
It is drawn to intersect both average total cost and average variable cost at their lowest points.
The derivative at the cost smallest, the profit biggest, and the application of the whole sale quantity lowest in the production output is the illustration in this aspect.
A set of tools, which takes human, material and customer requirements into account to deliver on time to the customers requirement at the lowest cost.
Value engineering is a function analysis method achieving the necessary functions at the lowest cost of total lifetime cycle.
Value engineering is a function analysis method achieving the necessary function at the lowest cost of total lifetime cycle.
Through integrative efforts, it can help the enterprise to create great value at the lowest cost and will become the corner stone of optimum strategy.
"There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible. " - Henry Ford.
“工业家必须遵守的规矩:尽可能提高质量, 尽可能降低成本, 尽可能提高薪水。”- 亨利“福特。
The operating responsibility of logistics is the geographical repositioning of raw materials, work in process, and finished inventories where required at the lowest cost possible.
In any case, they would be selling a service to their customers and would have a strong incentive to provide as high a quality of service as possible, at the lowest possible cost.
Manufacture based on network is the advanced manufacturing mode of enterprises in 21st century, and its final aim is the customer-like products made at the lowest cost.
The rational decision at the lowest cost in inviting to bid for a project, as a way and a system which is accepted by most people, will be put into practice for further development.
An optimal order plan is needed to satisfy customer requirements at the lowest cost, the highest quality and the right time.
An optimal order plan is needed to satisfy customer requirements at the lowest cost, the highest quality and the right time.