The classy piano bar next to Maddalena's really sells 11 dishes for the advertised price at lunch. There's no bait and switch here.
Sam, however, didn't know anyone or anything, like where to sit or with whom to sit at lunch.
You do everything out together, too, even sitting on the same chair at lunch and riding on the same bicycle.
"Mr Turner says you're a good basketball player, John," said Adam, "How'd you like to play with us at lunch break?"
Fast walk or jog for 15 minutes at lunch.
I've really enjoyed our long talks together at lunch.
At lunch I read books about nurturing, teaching, inspiring your child.
Sloan used to hit the martinis at lunch when they were working on the book together.
He was so excited about recently joining the Cub Scouts that he wanted to use it at lunch.
I only borrowed a motorcar while the owners were at lunch; they had no need of it at the time.
Open it. "she tells him that she can't because the bank manager is not around; he's at lunch."
Q: At lunch today, the waiter told us that all the food on the menu was produced here on Island One.
Sally: Maybe we can go out for a coffee at lunch time so you can tell me all about this company?
Perhaps you can get out of the office for a walk at lunch time, instead of staying at your desk.
If you drive to work, go out to the car at lunch, put down the backseat, and snooze for 10 minutes.
At lunch, Zichen told her two co workers that she was considering going to a new place for her vacation.
The study, published in Nutrition Journal, showed that people still eat the same amount at lunch and dinner.
"We have noticed", we said to him at lunch, "that you have still not yet provided the aforementioned puppy."
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned 19 A person who skips breakfast is more likely to eat unhealthily at lunch
Eat oatmeal at breakfast, choose whole-wheat bread at lunch, or whip up brown rice at dinner instead of white.
I questioned my judgment on Jessica's bitterness at lunch today. Maybe she was not as resentful as I'd thought.
You get a good sampling at lunch, the same quality and some of the same items, for sometimes half as much as dinner.
I first met him at lunch at Wyatts Cafeteria in the big shopping mall on a hill between Fayetteville and Springdale.
Run before you get home.If you can't run in the morning or at lunch, at least try to run before you get home from work.
Station branches are quietest at lunch so go between 11am and 2pm while those in shopping centres are quiet from 5.30pm onwards.
If your son is facing a big test one afternoon, for instance, send him a text message at lunch letting him know you're behind him.
When you get home, you might want a hot meal instead of that sandwich and salad you had at lunch, or just for a change of pace.
When you get home, you might want a hot meal instead of that sandwich and salad you had at lunch, or just for a change of pace.