No, I'm going to go back to the hotel at lunch time to lie down.
One day, at lunch time, like usual, in the dining hall we would play VM's lecture.
Come in at lunch time on a weekday and get free Onigiri (rice ball) with your meal!
Then, at lunch time, all my friends came over and surprised me with a big birthday cake!
Perhaps you can get out of the office for a walk at lunch time, instead of staying at your desk.
Sally: Maybe we can go out for a coffee at lunch time so you can tell me all about this company?
The above contains Salad, Soup, Rice and Fruit. You can choose coffee or ice cream at Lunch time.
And these kids at lunch time go there because their mothers aren't home or home is too far away to get to.
Next day, at lunch time, as he had promised, Count Ilya Andreitch arrived from his estate in the environs.
He will then be presented to the media and fans at the club's Cartagonova stadium at lunch time on Monday.
At lunch time, I asked him why he only ate a little. He smiled and said: "because your guys talked too much".
At lunch time, the whole family to eat hot and delicious, delicious delicious hot pot, talking and laughing happily.
At Lunch Time, Sit in Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.
You need never worry about calling a business office for information, nor will you find businesses closed at lunch time.
The reason is Chinese shop at lunch time are not closed, but the Greeks living very lazy, will have a long lunch break at noon.
At 11 on my first day of Secondary school I was so nervous but at lunch time he came to find me, and we sat down and ate lunch together.
Cheryl suggested that we focus on protein at lunch time, preferably lean: "High quality protein is a cornerstone of a healthy eating plan."
Get outside and take a walk at lunch time. Also, try to get in a little exercise before or after work. Exercise strengthens both the body and mind.
Obviously, you’re going to be restricted by your day job hours – but can you try working on your small business first thing in the morning? Or exercising at lunch time?
I'd like to show you how if you stand in the square at lunch time, just stand still and watch, the comings and goings of the people are like rain, each of them a tiny drop.
If you pig out at lunch time and then at dinner you will feel relatively drained afterwards. To prevent this from happening, the experts recommend eating small meals often.
Likewise, I know I'm going to be hungry at lunch time every day this week. So on Sundays I'll grill up 5 extra chicken breasts and make a chicken wrap or sandwich for every day of the week.
Try to not have lunch at your desk, but instead spend time outside or with your friends—not talking about work.
Try to not have lunch at your desk, but instead spend time outside or with you friends—not talking about work.
Lunch break at the hotdog stand in the park is the most enjoyable and interesting time of day for me.
At 11 :30 am, it's time for lunch.
For example you might remember to take your medication at the same time by always doing it after lunch.
Q. What about your gym membership, which is pricey but enables you to work out at lunch or in the early morning, often the only free time you have?
At other companies, employees go to the gardens on their own time — lunch hours, before or after work.
At other companies, employees go to the gardens on their own time — lunch hours, before or after work.