Global warming was so brilliant that I had to counteract it with my own carbon-free program at News Corp.
But given all that has occurred at News Corp in the recent years under his reign, should he resign as CEO or chair or both?
At News Corp, the issue is even more critical because of the control Murdoch exercises as a shareholder over voting rights at the firm.
Nagoya, Japan: Toyota Motor Corp President Akio Toyoda bows at a news conference after apologising for a massive global recall that has tarnished the reputation of the world's largest car maker.
The channel would be helmed by former News Corp. President Peter Chernin, and at one point, the fledgling channel was a possible destination for Conan O’Brien before he settled on TBS.
Hon Hai held a news conference Wednesday, a day after a worker fell to his death at a southern China factory of its affiliated company, Chimei Innolux Corp.
鸿海精密周三举行新闻发布会,此前一天,鸿海的附属公司奇美电子(Chimei In nolux Corp .)在华南一工厂的一名员工坠楼身亡。
The journal's owner, news Corp, announced job cuts at the newspaper earlier this month, but said that the Dow Jones newswire was adding journalists at its bureaus, especially in India.
Executives at news International — the British arm of news Corp. that ran the newspaper — have argued that illegal activities were not widespread.
Some people aren't at all surprised by the unending scandal at Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.
Michael Nathanson, an analyst at Nomura Equity Research, ran an interesting breakup analysis of News Corp on Monday.
It has been suggested that, to fix governance at the beleaguered company, News Corp. board member Tom Perkins is shareholders' "best hope."
At the same time, Murdoch also dismissed Amazon's Kindle, because he doesn't want News Corp to cede its content rights "to the fine people who created the Kindle."
That may not have been too much of a stretch for News Corp at the time.
The News Corp. media empire is no stranger to seeing Murdoch children at the helm.
News Corp. stock has long traded at what he called a 'Murdoch discount' to other media companies, he noted, citing Mr.
News Corp. stock has long traded at what he called a 'Murdoch discount' to other media companies, he noted, citing Mr.