He worried more than most about liquidity risk, the danger of cash-flows and funding drying up (which many financiers ignored at their peril in the last boom).
Anyone in continual, frequent or increased danger of exposure to rabies virus - either by nature of their residence or occupation - is also at risk.
Perhaps it was at risk, and he was in danger of mere celebrity, in the days of endless photo opportunities with Naomi Campbell and the Spice Girls .
Our home - Earth - is in danger. What is at risk of being destroyed is not the planet itself, but the conditions that have made it hospitable for human beings.
我们的家-地球- 正处于危险之中。处于被毁灭风险的不是地球这个行星本身,而是这个行星上适合人类生活的环境。
This part discusses the theory of criminal law at present on the awareness of danger, puts forward the risk identified in the criminal law should adopt the attitude and choice.
Barbara Long at the Aquarium of the Pacific says when the shark population is put at risk, the health of the ocean is also in danger.
Vitamin E even appeared to raise the risk of bleeding strokes, a danger seen in at least one earlier study.
Vitamin E even appeared to raise the risk of bleeding strokes, a danger seen in at least one earlier study.