Laughing at someone else may hurt their feelings even if you don't mean to, while laughing at yourself does not.
My husband Shane and I were hanging out on the street one evening. I was talking but he was looking over at someone.
Stroking Your Chin While Looking at Someone – “I’m judging you!”
在看某个人的时候敲击下巴。 这意味这“我在判断你们!”
Stroking Your Chin While Looking at Someone – “I'm judging you!”
Think of these as alternatives to taking an action you'll regret, such as yelling at someone.
It's difficult to remain angry at someone when you are thanking God for him at the same time!
It's much easier to point a finger at someone else than at ourselves.THAT takes a LOT of energy.
Building a fire and watching a video at someone else's house changes the atmosphere and the mood.
It's much easier to point a finger at someone else than at ourselves. THAT takes a LOT of energy.
Blowing up at someone isn't likely to rectify the situation, and will probably make things worse.
If several people are in the room, tends to look at someone other than the person who is talking.
If you use a paid-for web service at someone else’s domain you’re a tenant. A second class citizen.
Try this as an experiment: smile at someone as you pass them on the street or walking around the office.
Other brides aren't bound by tradition but still may choose to carry out the custom at someone else's request.
If you look at someone while you're stroking your chin, they may assume that you're making a judgmental decision about them.
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.
Mystery can be created by looking at someone in an obvious way, but simultaneously drawing out an ambiguous emotion from the model.
Mariette, switching to journalist mode, then asked me questions about the research, such as, "Isn't staring at someone threatening?"
That may make it easier for Westerners in China to yell at someone going the wrong way down a one-way street or intervene in a fight.
It's usually when I'm cussing in traffic at someone who is trying to drive their car and drink coffee and send emails and make notes.
通常堵车的时候,我就会咒骂 骂那些想法设法开车,喝咖啡,发邮件和记笔记的人。
We'll be looking at someone with a little more job experience: Yala Santos is an HR specialist who is working in a manufacturing company.
I also remember that the smallest gesture of affection would bring a lump to my throat, whether it was directed at me or at someone else.
One of the simple social pleasures of life, which goes almost unnoticed because it's automatic, is when you smile at someone and they smile back.
When I comment at someone else’ssite, especially if I’m challenging what they’ve said about me or my work, Itry to post an item about it on my own blog.
当我在其他人的网站上留言,尤其是当我在反驳他们对我或我的文章的评论时,我会在我自己的博客上上传一个与此相关的目列。 评论是一把双刃剑。
On the other hand, if your persuasion attempt is aimed at someone with whom you have a more cooperative relationship, face-to-face could be a better choice.
They may laugh at the CEO when he talks in generic corporate newspeech, but they also laugh at someone who tells them a certain problem can't be solved.
"To snap at someone" is to speak rudely, but snap can also be used as a noun. If we say something is a "snap" that means it's very easy and can be learned quickly.
Li Hua: 噢,我懂了,snap用作动词的时候,意思就是对人很凶,不过你刚才说的snap是用做名词,要是我们说somethingisa snap, 意思就是很容易就能学会的事,哎,那不就是我们中文里所说的“小菜一碟”吗?
Make sure that if you laughing at someone or some thing's expense that you are "appropriately" inappropriate for the crowd in front of which it will be performed.
IN PUBLIC, bankers have been blaming themselves for their troubles. Behind the scenes, they have been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standard-setters.
IN PUBLIC, bankers have been blaming themselves for their troubles. Behind the scenes, they have been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standard-setters.