Sara realizes that one of the bars she's cuffed to is loose, and to buy time, begins taunting T-Bag, telling him that his medical records at Fox River indicate that he's impotent.
This is of critical importance when one of those surviving children arrived at t time the child being mourned for died.
Isn t it amazing how one person, sharing one idea, at the right time and place can change the course of your life s history?
Don? T let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.
For one thing, the UTP cabling requirements were upped again to category 5e, and 1000base-t USES all four twisted pairs-in both directions at the same time.
因为一方面而言,UT P线缆要求已经再次升级到CAT- 5e版了,另一方面100BASE - T使用了四对绞线——同一时间,两个走向。
Maybe my hopes for the iPhone curdled in the time it took for my perfectly good T-Mobile plan to expire so I could switch to balky AT&T and purchase one.
And I know that at time t equals three -1 it is at position minus one, so the object is here.
Don 't let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.
While Americans attempt to set records for all sorts of things, from wearing the most number of T-shirts at one time to assembling the largest collection of toy dragons, Mr.
美国人试图在所有事情上都创下 世界纪录,从一次穿下最多数量的T恤衫,到召集最大规模的玩具龙收藏品等等;
While Americans attempt to set records for all sorts of things, from wearing the most number of T-shirts at one time to assembling the largest collection of toy dragons, Mr.
美国人试图在所有事情上都创下 世界纪录,从一次穿下最多数量的T恤衫,到召集最大规模的玩具龙收藏品等等;