He swiped at the ball and missed.
He swiped at the ball and missed it.
He swiped at the ball, but missed it.
Angela danced with great briskness at the ball.
We arrived at the ball ablaze with lights at about eight.
If the crowds are at the ball game, then let's go to the ball game.
Mammy: no, and you ain't gonna see no Yankee girls at the ball tonight neither.
I know I don't look at the ball at the moment of contact, and I know that is very important.
I no longer count him among my friends since he laughed at my poor skill in dancing at the ball.
As the pitch came in, Shay swung at the ball and hit a slow ground ball right back to the pitcher.
Her stepmother immediately realized who the pretty girl at the ball was and locked Ella in a room.
By running the right knee at the ball, Hogan was able to generate terrific speed in his lower body.
They even looked at the ball game. "Hit the ball," said Danny. "Hit a home run," said the dinosaur.
Hogan explained that the harder he wanted to hit the ball, the faster he ran his right knee at the ball.
In order to set off the romantic atmosphere, her flowered silk scarf was used as belt decoration at the ball.
It was wild. He wasn't looking at the ball. It wasn't malicious, he was looking for an equaliser, but it was wild.
A foul is striking at the ball with the fist, violation of rules three and four and such as described in rule five.
These drill, more than mostothers, force the hitter to look at the ball and recognize the need to avoidmoving the chin.
Cinderella had a wonderful time. She was the most beautiful girl at the ball. The handsome Prince only danced with her.
By running his knee at the ball at different speeds, he was able to control the amount of force he expended through impact.
"Chicken, you mean. You won't even swing at the ball! " Then he stamped off to the mound as Larry slowly dropped his outstretched hand.
"I will tell you what, Fanny," said she, "I am sure he fell in love with you at the ball; I am sure the mischief was done that evening."
Mr. Darcy had at first scarcely allowed her to be pretty; he had looked at her without admiration at the ball; and when they next met, he looked at her only to criticise.
His head is up looking at the ball, the timing of his hops are fast as there is very little time spent on the ground between hops because he can't wait to get to the ball.
Now you will remember that everyone at the ball was wearing strange cloaks and masks, which belonged more to the world of dreams and wild imagination than to everyday life.
The NEXT DAY Prince Andrey paid calls on various people whom he had not visited before, and among them on the Rostovs, with whom he had renewed his acquaintance at the ball.
Banks somehow managed to scramble across from his near post and launched himself at the ball, miraculously scooping it over the bar for a corner just as it bounced before the goal line.
Gripping the club, I take a wild and untrained swing at the ball, somehow manage to connect, and send it flying high over the green to drop out of sight somewhere in the water behind the hole.
At the last minute, I threw them a curve ball by saying, "We're going to bring spouses."
At the last minute, I threw them a curve ball by saying, "We're going to bring spouses."