At the bar he ordered a cider.
Tafari Assefa now plays his drums in a band at the bar of the Jupiter Hotel, one of the newer establishments in Addis Ababa, the capital.
Michael sits at the bar with a coworker.
OK. Neutron walks into a bar and sits down at the bar.
"But that guy's at the bar and smoking," I pointed out.
He sat next to her at the bar and ordered a glass of Pinot Noir.
On my way there I stop at a small café and drink an espresso at the bar.
At Oswiak's you can drink at the bar if you want to, but none of the regulars do.
This drunken fool at the bar puked on me and gave me 20 bucks to have it cleaned.
You’re at the bar, you’re talking to him, it’s been hours, and still nothing has happened.
Sipping a glass of fine Chardonnay (sitting boldly at the bar by herself - way to go girl!)
Think back to your college years. Did you spend more time at the lab bench than at the bar?
At the bar, the larger gangster was smoking a cigarette and surveying the foyer and the dining room.
When you are at the bar and hear someone saying they need a web design, be sure to mention your company.
Those Revelations have led to new education and counselling programs in law schools and firms and at the Bar.
The thought of pleasing Skinny Zyama or of sitting at the bar to watch Ivetta dance another night seemed unendurable.
As she sits at the bar next to me, she stares down at her vodka tonic, and then the ground, and then her vodka tonic.
I was having a drink at a local restaurant with my friend Justin when he spotted an attractive woman sitting at the bar.
Before the show, he nursed a drink and talked to whoever was around-mostly to Kostya, who had little to do but sit at the bar.
While drinking at the bar, the gentleman next to me said he had all figured out, and he had paid $60 for his room.
Folding their parachutes into jump harnesses, they ambled across the sand to place an order at the bar, still wearing their jumpsuits.
然后他们把降落伞折叠起来放到伞包里,漫步地穿过沙滩,来到酒巴台点了一些东西,仍旧空着跳伞服。 没有人和他们穿着一样。
Late in the night, as I was sitting by myself at a table in the dining area reading a book and drinking coffee, a fight broke out at the bar.
Tafari Assefa now plays his drums in a band at the bar of the Jupiter Hotel, one of the fancier newer establishments in Addis Ababa, the capital.
Don’t waste time with the friend of your best friend who just happens to be there, when the one you WANT is sitting at the bar waiting to be approached.
If he could blind himself to Ivetta’s presence in the dining room, to the people jostling him, to the gangsters at the bar, he could arrive at a solution.
And between the thunderclaps and the squalls that lashed the windowpanes there came to our ears the sound of another storm raging downstairs at the bar.
And between the thunderclaps and the squalls that lashed the windowpanes there came to our ears the sound of another storm raging downstairs at the bar.