It does suggest that it's at least possible that the black hole formed before the galaxy.
Researchers used data from the Hubble Space Telescope to look more closely at the black hole, and found that the supermassive black hole in the M87 galaxy is, in fact, displaced from the center.
Most astronomers believe that the large concentration of mass at the galaxy's center is a black hole whose gravity is causing the gas to whirl.
Recent findings lend strong support to the theory that a black hole lies at the center of the Milky Way and of many of the 100 billion other galaxies estimated to exist in the universe.
Thanks to German astronomers, we now have the most accurate measurements yet of the giant black hole that sits at the centre of our galaxy.
According to classical theory, at the boundary of a black hole-the so-called event horizon-light can no longer escape.
The black hole at the centre of the Milky Way is a behemoth with a mass four million times that of the Sun.
At the centre of a Kerr black hole, there is no point singularity, but rather a ring singularity-a spinning one-dimensional ring held open by its own momentum.
The ultimate time warp is at the surface of a black hole, where in a sense time stands still relative to our time.
There might be a massive black hole at the center of our galaxy swallowing up stars at a very rapid rate.
For any object, there is a critical radius, called the Schwarzschild radius, at which its mass will form a black hole.
The Fermi bubbles could be powered by the black hole at the center of our galaxy.
This illustration depicts a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy.
The result is that the development project will no longer be a black hole into which money is poured in the hope that some software will appear at some vaguely specified point in the future.
But Alex Filippenko of the University of California at Berkeley said the discovery is most likely a black hole.
A growing black hole, called a quasar, can be seen at the center of a faraway galaxy in this artist's concept.
This artist's concept shows a supermassive black hole at the center of a remote galaxy digesting the remnants of a star.
The star then stretches apart (middle yellow blob) and eventually breaks into stellar crumbs, some of which swirl into the black hole (cloudy ring at right).
Looking at one galaxy in the Catalog, Marianne noticed that the point of light was offset from the centre and yet was so bright that it could well be associated with a supermassive black hole.
The word singularity is borrowed from astrophysics: it refers to a point in space-time - for example, inside a black hole - at which the rules of ordinary physics do not apply.
It felt like we had forcibly ripped apart the universe and were now staring at a gaping black hole where our powerful weapon used to exist.
我感觉像是我们硬生生地把宇宙扯破了一样,我们盯着黑洞的裂缝,强大的超能力“请住手!” 再也不存在了。
Assuming that the protective event horizon evaporates along with the black hole, the singularity at the center could be exposed at the moment the black hole winks out of existence.
One supermassive black hole, at the heart of a galaxy neighboring the Milky Way, has been mysteriously brightening in recent years, and scientists aren't sure why.
"I would be extremely surprised if there were a positive detection of black-hole formation at the accelerator," Choptuik says.
This image may support the idea that the fireworks come from a star that fell into a supermassive black hole at the core of the galaxy. a.
The singularity is located at the heart of a black hole, and is the place where the laws of physics and space-time break down.
The supermassive black hole at the center of NGC 3115, they calculate, has a mass of about 2 billion Suns, making it the nearest billion-solar-mass black hole to Earth at 32 million light-years away.
The images show that the explosion took place 3.8 billion light-years from Earth, at the center of a galaxy where a supermassive black hole would lie.
The feature spans 50, 000 light-years and may be the remnant of an eruption from a supersized black hole at the centre of our galaxy.
The feature spans 50, 000 light-years and may be the remnant of an eruption from a supersized black hole at the centre of our galaxy.