When you arrive at your destination, check out the fitness facilities at your hotel or a nearby health club - then schedule time for a travel workout. If the options seem limited, get creative.
When you arrive at your destination, check out the fitness facilities at your hotel or a nearby health club — then schedule time for a travel workout.
Angola's No1 at the 2006 tournament joao Ricardo had been released by Portuguese club Moreirense in 2005 and kept his fitness by training alone.
2006年世界杯上,安哥拉队的1号里卡多(joao Ricardo)在2005年与葡萄牙的摩里伦斯俱乐部解除合约,通过独自训练来保持状态。
Selects method which face-to-face visits, to arrives at the member who Beijing Commercial Fitness Club carries on the exercise to carry on the sample investigation visit.
Selects method which face-to-face visits, to arrives at the member who Beijing Commercial Fitness Club carries on the exercise to carry on the sample investigation visit.