Granted, these producers' savings probably translate into lower prices at the grocery store, but how many consumers make that mental connection at the checkout counter?
The common prescription is to primarily shop at the grocery store since that's where fresh produce, meat and seafood, and dairy are.
It's the chitchat we share with the clerk at the grocery store or a stranger at a party.
Easy to find at the grocery store and incorporate into meals, broccoli is an immune-boosting basic.
Don't be shy! Do this every time you walk past a person at the grocery store, street, or even at work.
At the grocery store, I couldn't understand why free-range eggs were more expensive than ordinary eggs.
On your way home from church, stop at the grocery store and buy all the leafy vegetables you can carry.
MARGIE NEWMAN: “It looks like a scanning device like when you're at the grocery store but it's a square.
MARGIE NEWMAN: "it looks like a scanning device like when you're at the grocery store but it's a square."
One easy way to store water is to buy purified drinking water in gallon plastic jugs at the grocery store.
Heavily laden with groceries, an old lady asked a young clerk at the grocery store to accompany her to her car.
Today, after a 72 hour shift at the fire station, a woman ran up to me at the grocery store and gave me a hug.
We rely on ANS skills in daily life, such as when we estimate which line will move more quickly at the grocery store.
If you are patient you do not have to worry about the minutes spent in traffic or in the line at the grocery store.
Recent research finds that our vices can be held back when we use cash instead of credit CARDS at the grocery store.
So, they’re scanning your items at the grocery store, and when the last tomato gets bagged you’re stunned at the cost.
Sure, plenty of consumers now are easing back on spending, thanks to sticker shock at the grocery store and gas station.
The other day at the grocery store I almost decided to buy a bottle of soda, because I had been so good about not drinking it.
A friend and I were standing in line at the grocery store the other day, and I was telling her how lazy my children were.
When you see someone out of context, like the librarian at the grocery store, it can be hard to remember who that person is.
We have more options at the grocery store and at restaurants. We can eat over at a friend's house without having to bring a dish.
Lines at the grocery store might become as obsolete as milkmen, if a new tag that seeks to replace bar codes becomes commonplace.
In one Tostitos spot, a young woman at the grocery store reads the ingredients on the back of a bag of another brand of tortilla chips.
With the help of a real estate broker I chatted up at the grocery store, I managed to rent a big enough house to take in a handful of people.
The reason for this is that the few customers who bought this product were wealthy and also bought many other products at the grocery store.
Spending smarter at the grocery store (using coupons, shopping sales, comparing unit prices) can save more than $1,800 a year for a family of four.
They pop wide open as you come near. They shut behind you after you walk through. What makes the doors at the grocery store move all by themselves?
Actually, the answers we are so earnestly craving lie beforeus: at the dining room table, at the restaurant, at the grocery store, and inthe garden.
Actually, the answers we are so earnestly craving lie beforeus: at the dining room table, at the restaurant, at the grocery store, and inthe garden.