Dinner party hosts are told to place quiet people at the head of the table and facing the door so that they will feel more garrulous.
The development of the modern presidency in the United States began with Andrew Jackson who swept to power in 1829 at the head of the Democratic Party and served until 1837.
He started to school and had the luck of coming upon Becky Thatcher at the head of Meadow Lane.
The pitcher beanballed purposely at the head of the batter.
Put these additional using statements at the head of your code.
Thus, it can't mount rootfs if it can't find it at the head of the line.
Ensure that you have these additional using statements at the head of your code.
A few minutes later he returns and asks the man sitting at the head of the row.
The default is set at the head of the script and should ensure you don't wait too long.
The last two methods, element and peek , are for querying the element at the head of the queue.
A colleague of mine drew the analogy that not using interfaces is like looking at the head of Medusa.
She blindfolded him, and led him to his chair at the head of the table, making him promise not to peek.
There is an alarm clock in the panel at the head of your bed. You just set it to the wake-up time you want.
I started looking at college brochures in 10th grade; took extra courses to finish at the head of my class.
Harry came in a little over three years ago and waited at the head of the stairs for the passengers from the 9:05 train.
It explains its rise to power and Marduk's rise from being a city god to being at the head of the pantheon of a large empire.
Putin kicked off an election campaign on Monday revving up his three-wheeled Harley Davidson at the head of a bikers motorcade.
Week after week his was the credit of the unprecedented performance of having two books at the head of the list of best-sellers.
That night, Bertelli and Prada sat together at the head of their long oval table, presiding over the guests and the conversation.
But a subsequent stint in the 1990s at the head of the Sofres, a market-research and polling company, introduced him to marketing.
Then Samuel brought Saul and his servant into the hall and seated them at the head of those who were invited--about thirty in number.
撒母耳领扫罗和他仆人进了客堂,使他们在请来的客中坐首位。 客约有三十个人。
This article demonstrates how to configure a queue so that as it approaches being full, messages at the head of the queue are deleted.
The Swiss star, 28, won 6-3 6-4 7-6 (13-11) at Melbourne Park to extend his lead at the head of the all-time Grand Slam winners' list.
28岁的瑞士天王,在墨尔本公园以6-3 6-4 7-6 (13-11)的比分赢得比赛的同时又一次增加了他在所有网球选手中夺取大满贯冠军的次数。
At the head of the line outside, an employee wearing a Vancouver 2010 fleece jacket greets visitors, making sure to thank them for their patience.
一名店员身穿一件2010年温哥华奥运会羊毛衫站在店外,迎接排队的民众,对民众的耐心不断表示感谢。 赖利·亨特(Riley Hunter)距离门口还有几米了。
Rising labor costs and a shortage of cotton means that China's days at the head of a denim empire could soon be numbered, the Daily Telegraph reports.
Bettencourt told France’s JDD that money was her daughter’s motivation, and that Francoise simply wished to be in her place at the head of the company.
Passed a long line of youngsters marching in a column to God knows where; they moved along like a chain gang, with a slave driver at the head of the column.
The halyard typically rises from the head of the sail to a block at the head of the mast and back down to deck level, from where it is pulled up to raise the sail.
The halyard typically rises from the head of the sail to a block at the head of the mast and back down to deck level, from where it is pulled up to raise the sail.