It is the brightest star at the left of this well-composed starry mosaic spanning about 23 degrees across the northern sky asterism dubbed the Little Dipper.
At the left of this epaulement, there was visible the head of the column of a battalion.
Requests originate from the browser (beginning at the left in Figure 2).
The asterisk at the left of the Story indicates that the changes have not been saved yet.
The arrows at the left of an item indicate that these items are assigned to someone or somewhere else.
So what I have done now, is I have put a detector at the left slit and a detector at the right slit.
Skip two lines and type the recipient's full name, business title and address, aligned at the left margin.
Selection list layout is used to specify whether the caption or control appears at the left margin of a pane.
The link icon at the left of the rows in the table can be used to link to the Service-to-Service topology view.
位于表行的左边的链接图标可用于链接到Service-to-Service 拓扑视图,参见 “图 6.
When the visitors type in the data their eyes are fixed across the vertical axis at the left to the input field.
These are keys and room cards for room 1806.The left is at the left corner.The bellman will show you up with your luggage.
This root data structure is CVMglobals which you will find at the left side of the map. You will find CVMglobals defined in globals.h.
The Tasks view shows it, the editor has a red X circle at the left, and all of the views at the top of the workspace show a red X.
In a sample application, for example, the object history is accessed to create different colored bars at the left side of the object text.
Texas has already authorised a special yellow plate with the rattlesnake coiled at the left, and Virginia and Nevada may soon follow suit.
This is shown in Figure 5 (same graphic as Figure 1), where for each discipline listed at the left, the effort rises or falls as development phases progress.
Obviously, the 0 should be at the left edge of the ruler, but if we place the two - and three-digit Numbers at the 72-pixel points, they will appear unbalanced.
Coming at the cell from above is the same as adding the character at the left from S2 to S2 ', while skipping the character in S1 above for now and introducing a space in S1 '.
从上面到达单元格相当于将左面的字符从S2加入S2',跳过上面的S1中的当前字符,并在S1 '中加入一个空格。
Brighter stars peering through the auroral glow at the left form the recognizable northern asterism, the Big Dipper. A more compact Pleiades star cluster shines at the far right.
For a given value of x, so that's a given slice, I have a range of values for y, that is, from this picture at the left most point on that slice to the rightmost point on that slice.
People brought up in cultures where language is read and written from left to right have been trained early on in life to begin at the left of a page, whether in writing or reading a book.
Secondly, for sites that are traditionally read from left to right, placing important design components at the left is a good idea; vice versa for sites whose language is read from right to left.
At the age of fourteen, he left his village school in Scotland and taught himself while working in a bank.
The water roiled to his left as he climbed carefully at the edge of the waterfall.
From the moment that Philippe had left her in the bedroom at the hotel, she had heard nothing of him.
He crawled from print to print, sniffing at the earth, following the scent left in the tracks.
Punctually at 7:45, the express to Kuala Lumpur left Singapore station.
The strike left hundreds of tourists stranded at the airport.
The strike left hundreds of tourists stranded at the airport.