Mr Macfarlane sighs at the mention of "glamping".
They brightened up at the mention of these things.
At the mention of monte-cristo dantes started with joy .
At the mention of Aileen, Berenice experienced a mental chill.
At the mention of her father who had died two months before, she burst into tears.
A sort of vapid eagerness flitted across Winston's face at the mention of Big Brother.
ABSTRACT: People tend to first think of Bordeaux and Burgundy at the mention of French wine.
But the people were frightened at the mention of Death and they all shut their doors to him.
Many images spring to mind at the mention of Portugal—port, fado, copper, charming villages and friendly people.
At the mention of the harp, everyone knows it is the oldest plucked-string instrument in China with the history of over 2000 years.
It was unclear whether the French-speaking student or translator had erred. Either way, she was not pleased at the mention of her husband's name.
You're probably assuming that at the mention of money, jobs to be done or journeys to be undertaken, anger and frustration will be expressed.
At the mention of Miss Sun's name, Hung-chien's heart began pounding and his face burned. How funny, he thought, what DOes Miss Sun have to DO with me?
At the mention of dollars, a sudden silence descended on the people in the cell. Their mood changed as if a foreigner with a different color of skin had walked in.
At the mention of the old black rabbit hole, the small gray doves arrive immediately to the spirit, he head a little crooked, others had nothing on deaf ears.
The gargoyle leapt aside at the mention of toffee éclairs, and Harry took the spiral staircase two steps at a time, knocking on the door just as a clock within chimed eight.
Afterwards, "to turn pale at the mention of a tiger" is used to refer that somebody becomes extremly nervous when he is informed of something that he once fell victim before.
At the mention of Samuel I could have sworn to a strange light in her eyes, and it seemed to me, as by some telepathic flash, that I divined in her a tremendous wistfulness, an immense yearning.
At dinner, I made polite, boring talk at the table - no mention of our past, of my feelings, of what was really on my mind. I was in Straight Steve mode.
You don't have to mention any of the local variables, because at this point in the story, they're just not relevant.
There are men who cringe at the near mention of a public urinal, while many women refuse to use public restrooms for anything aside from washing their hands.
Late last night, when he emerged at the end of the meeting, he did not mention the subject.
She, it was said, had temper tantrums at the mere mention of the man who had saved her capital.
If you aren't able to afford a house, a car, or even a book, anybody would be horrified at the mere mention of this kind of life.
"No mention was made of my having given the paper its first shot at Ponzi," he grouses in his typescript.
I mention this because the results of a survey published yesterday claim that a woman is at her most attractive when she is 31.
Have a core district team of specially trained professionals who can jump right in at the first mention of an autism diagnosis.
Can we discuss these things so that markets don't faint at the very mention of them sometime down the road?
Can we discuss these things so that markets don't faint at the very mention of them sometime down the road?