Nevertheless, where both negotiators had lived abroad 70% struck a deal in which the seller was offered a management job at the petrol station in return for a lower asking price.
At 11 miles we were warned that we would see the last gas station (not petrol - see, I'm learning) before the end.
Also this month, rioting erupted at a petrol station in the coastal city of Ningbo.
He stop at the filling station to get some petrol before go on to the motorway.
It is reported that officers have found evidence that Presley's credit card had been in last Monday at her home a few miles outside the petrol station used.
He stopped at the filling station to get some petrol before going on to the motorway.
When I arrived at the finish I hosed myself down at a petrol station and drank the beer I had dreamt of.
Oil is available by card for the proper vehicles at any gas station run by Sino-petrol or its refuel facilities throughout Henan Province.
Oil is available by card for the proper vehicles at any gas station run by Sino-petrol or its refuel facilities throughout Henan Province.