In many states and some localities, merchandise sold at the retail level is subject to a sales tax.
At the retail level, that means that the brisket on the Passover table costs 17 percent more this year than it did last.
Compressed Natural gas or CNG is sold at the retail level either by mass, energy units or "gasoline gallon equivalents" or gge.
"Some reported eating raw sprouts at restaurants; others reported purchasing the raw sprouts at the retail level," the FDA said.
PepsiCo brands are available in nearly 200 countries and territories and generate sales at the retail level of about 78 billion.
Prices at the retail level rose less than expected last month, and were unchanged when volatile food and energy prices were stripped out.
PepsiCo brands are available in nearly 200 countries and territories and generate annual sales at the retail level of about US$92 billion.
For retail sales, the installation of blender pumps will be necessary at the retail level to provide outlet of the product to the consumer.
If retailer POD became widespread, we would get an Amazon-like long tail for physical books at the retail level. That would eventually change both author and reader behavior.
"At the retail level, turkeys sell for whatever they're going to sell for," Harvey says. In many parts of the country, a whole Turkey is going for less than 50 cents a pound.
Retail sales fell by 1.6% in the year to September, and economists at Barclays Capital reckon new-car sales fell to their lowest level in October since 1997, once seasonal factors are adjusted for.
At retail level, large quantities of fresh food is wasted because of the way it looks.
At the retail or intermediary level, returns often come back due to slow-moving stock, end-of-season inventory adjustments, or as a means to release capital so customers can buy more from your firm.
In Britain, housing sales are at their lowest level in more than 30 years and retail sales figures for October show the largest falls in three years.
At the retail secondary market level, again the Banks are mainly the service providers in an unregulated environment, although some of the debt instruments are listed on the stock exchange.
In addition to office and retail space, the building has two larger areas-at the ground level and on the rooftop-catered for public activity.
At the sector level, they still retain a domestic bias with over-weights in banks, financials, real estate, services and retail.
The main lobby connects via escalators to a secondary office lobby located at the lower basement level, which in turn allows access to below ground retail and the subway station.
At ground level, the tower connects with a substantial podium complex containing a retail mall, conference centre and high quality serviced apartments.
In order to assess candidates' team work ability, Apple Retail interview at the Specialist level will be arranged in the form of a group discussion seminar.
In order to assess candidates' team work ability, Apple Retail interview at the Specialist level will be arranged in the form of a group discussion seminar.