Diana felt happy at the sight of Justin Bieber, and she was eager to get his autograph.
Or on his own instinctive cries, like a gulp of surprise at the sight of falling water or a yelp of effort caused by smashing a rock into a skull.
Do plants wilt at the sight of you?
The crow ruffled its black feathers at the sight of the fox.
Some of the fans swooned at the sight of their beloved stars.
At the sight of the diamond, her eyes sparkled with cupidity.
This is the meaning of the longing which stirs within us at the sight of Beauty.
In a moment they were all out of the chaise, rejoicing at the sight of each other.
They wrote of their tears of joy at the sight of an Egypt reborn in Tahrir Square.
At the sight of me she shrank away and tried to hide her knees under the short dress.
In the above them, is green to dark mountains, deep light pressure at the sight of us.
Girls would go crazy at the sight of Elvis and swarm around him like no other previous performer.
Does this mean that at the sight of seeing someone for the first time, you literally fell over?
I have always seen faces around me filled with pity at the sight of a man between two policemen.
It is usually patients not doctors who balk at the sight of a medical instrument being unwrapped.
When she opened the refrigerator, she gagged at the sight of the food and broke into a cold sweat.
We shall grow ashamed of going about without socks, and cease to feel shame at the sight of their ball dresses.
At the sight of him, the Tarleton hounds rose up out of the red dust and stood waiting expectantly for their masters.
That is why our heart swells with pride at the sight of our flag; why we shed a tear as the lonely notes of Taps sound.
So much happens in that moment — and he'll smile at the sight of his open chute only if everything goes precisely right.
Some pregnant women lose the desire to drink coffee or wine and turn green at the sight of fish, meat, eggs or vegetables.
She brokeinto tears at the sight of the heavily armed Americans, and all the soldierscould do was try to help her with the heavy pump.
When he brought a ball home, I remember the shock of seeing him smile sweetly when he saw how excited his sons became at the sight of it.
She advises, "You don't want to sign up for a $10,000 vet tech course only to find out later that you faint at the sight of puppy blood!"
I helped Rimney get Val home from the hospital after the stroke, watched the two of them burst into tears at the sight of her mechanical bed.
More subtle is the effect of "the gleam in their eye," says Diller—whether parents sincerely light up at the sight of us and appreciate our individual charms.
More subtle is the effect of "the gleam in their eye," says Diller—whether parents sincerely light up at the sight of us and appreciate our individual charms.