All the runners stood nervously at the starting line.
Roy and four other cars revved their engines at the starting line, and then they were off.
At the starting line of their careers, they are better educated than their mothers and grandmothers had been—or than their young male counterparts are now.
At the starting line of their careers, they are better educated than their mothers and grandmothers had been or than their young male counterparts are now.
SEO optimization we can not lose at the starting line.
On race day both the hare and the tortoise met the fox at the starting line.
Maybe we have lost at the starting line, but never let ourselves lose at the end.
Let "bauhinia" every child be able to life at the starting line up has a good start!
Is the slogan "Do not let your children lost at the starting line" a misleading one?
"Don't let the children lose at the starting line" is the mantra of parents present.
Topic: Say that to win at the starting line, are you prepared to let your child when learning English?
When you're waiting at the starting line, a big trash bag with armholes and a neck hole cut out can help you stay dry.
Whether or not you meditated during training, taking deep breaths at the starting line will help you through prerace highs and lows.
When I arrived at the starting line, I sat down and first applied the cream on my feet, so that I could feel more energy and then I put my spikes on.
A few years ago, at the Seattle Special Olympics, nine contestants, all physically or mentally disabled, assembled at the starting line for the 100 yard dash.
Start technology not only to correct, but also to meet the athletes of their own characteristics can be obtained Xinag best results, at the starting line on the leading opponents.
Starting at line 25, make the changes shown in Listing 1.
Add the code in Listing 7, starting at line 399.
Well, if I have a gradient field, then if I try to compute this line integral, I know it will be the value of the function at the end point minus the value at the starting point.
I mean, basically starting at the end of next week, we are going to do triple integrals, line integrals in space and so on.
A sawtooth wave rises (or falls) in a straight line from a starting point to an ending point, at which time it instantaneously jumps back to the starting value.
Starting at line 720, change the code shown in Listing 4 to that shown in Listing 5.
从第 720行开始,把清单4中所示的代码更改为清单5中的代码。
This line visits the AST tree, starting at the compilation unit (the top-most node), and queries for a list of all method declarations.
This installment of Speaking UNIX looks at effective techniques to manage gobs of machines from the command line, starting with just a handful of systems and scaling upward.
As you see in Figure 4, The solution to the point-in-polygon problem is to draw a horizontal line starting at the point in question.
At its annual shareholder meeting, RIM unveiled a line of seven planned devices on the Blackberry 7 Operating System, starting with the Bold 9900 and Torch 2.
在年度股东大会上,RIM公布了7款计划在黑莓7 (Blackberry 7)操作系统上发布的设备,这一系列设备以Bold 9900和Torch 2为首。
At its annual shareholder meeting, RIM unveiled a line of seven planned devices on the Blackberry 7 Operating System, starting with the Bold 9900 and Torch 2.
在年度股东大会上,RIM公布了7款计划在黑莓7 (Blackberry 7)操作系统上发布的设备,这一系列设备以Bold 9900和Torch 2为首。